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Comment on the Art Belonging to the Person Above You!!
subcultured at 2:31PM, May 7, 2009
posts: 5,399
joined: 1-7-2006
so the rules are to comment about the art piece of the previous poster. and then post your own art work (kind of like the other topic on the comic subforum)

so here goes, ill start:
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:04PM
Kristen Gudsnuk at 8:58PM, May 8, 2009
posts: 1,338
joined: 10-4-2006
so the rules are to comment about the art piece of the previous poster. and then post your own art work (kind of like the other topic on the comic subforum)

so here goes, ill start:

Nice wolverine! A lot of emotion on the face, and the muscles have a good sense of volume.
however, when I glance at it quickly, it looks like he has a barbie-doll waist; it's because of the light line here:

here's a watercolor I did not long ago. (11x17)
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:23PM
NickGuy at 10:22PM, May 8, 2009
posts: 990
joined: 2-22-2007
ive never seen art from eityher of you two, good stuff so far!

kristen i really like that piece, especially the rendering of the dogs fur and face…great depth! however, I feel that the two different objects in your pic contrast and clash rather than working together as a cohesive unit…the colors on the persons face do not go with the dog at all. maybe some highlight of color on the dog would make it seem more “together” cuz right now it looks seperate. hope that helps! :)

and heres something from me =\

“Kung Fu Komix IS…hardcore martial art action all the way. 8/10” -Harkovast
“Kung Fu Komix is that rare comic that is made with heart and love of the medium, and it delivers” -Zenstrive
“Kung Fu Komix is…so awesome” -threeeyeswurm
“Kung Fu Komix is..told with all the stupid exuberance of the genre it parodies” -The Real Macabre
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:15PM
alexcat321 at 5:25AM, May 9, 2009
posts: 90
joined: 4-16-2009
This is all great stuff we have going here. I love wolvy and the amount of shading put into it, and that water color is pretty well done. I just love the style you have too kristen, your art reminds me of the art from the steam boy and akira animes. The Dr.Doom piece is awesomely drawn as well. Nice proportions and I just like the overall style. Now here's a work of mine that I did based off marvel chars. too…it's not much of my best work though…


here's my deviant art: add me!

last edited on July 14, 2011 10:48AM
subcultured at 1:24PM, May 9, 2009
posts: 5,399
joined: 1-7-2006
woot! keep the trhead going guys. thanks for the comments!

I like the energy of the piece^
I especially like the iron man taking off
Captain America looks like a teenager in this one ^_^

here's a noirish scene
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:04PM
zaymac at 2:24PM, May 9, 2009
posts: 396
joined: 12-29-2008
Wow all of these are good so far.

Hmmm… I wonder what caused that sexy chic to put a bullet in his brain. I like it.
Nice Wolverine pic as well Sub. I take it that was before Wolverine joined Broadway. :D

@Nickguy cool pic of Dr. Doom, I really like the thickness of your linework. It really makes the picture pop. Kind of has a Kirbyesque look to it.

@Kristen I admire anyone who can do watercolors. I can't produce anything with that stuff.

@alex It looks like the Teen Avengers! :)

I'm pretty sure Dave Thomas is rolling over in his grave because of this one.

It's a Grizzly Bear battling Zombies. Do you need to know more?
DOLLAR STORE HAIRCUTA daily webcomic of unfunny.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:55PM
subcultured at 12:33PM, May 11, 2009
posts: 5,399
joined: 1-7-2006
so wrong in many ways. i def like the tattoo on her leg and the sparkles in her shoes. i like the color smoothness of the skin, but maybe tone down the bg to make her red hair pop out a bit more.

a sultry face
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:04PM
Aurora Borealis at 4:31PM, May 11, 2009
posts: 1,289
joined: 3-2-2008
It's so dark I can barely see anything (had to make the screen lighter)… haha

I like the “messy texture” on the image. Great shading of her face too. Pretty cool overall (for a face) :)

- - - -

last edited on July 14, 2011 11:08AM
ParkerFarker at 12:07PM, May 15, 2009
posts: 1,451
joined: 4-29-2009
It's really cool. I love the messyness of it. It makes it so cool. The colours and textures of it look amazing too. All in all it's just really cool.

“We are in the stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun.” - Blackadder
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:38PM
subcultured at 4:52PM, May 19, 2009
posts: 5,399
joined: 1-7-2006
i like the looseness of your style. it has that rough texture through out. the gradation is also cool.

solve the murder see the clues
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:04PM
lba at 7:33PM, May 19, 2009
posts: 2,751
joined: 5-29-2007
Dig the detail and the atmosphere. I'm a big fan of using muted colours to darken things down rather than just using blacks.

This one isn't quite done yet, but I thought I'd share since I like it so much.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:29PM
lba at 7:42PM, June 7, 2009
posts: 2,751
joined: 5-29-2007
Jeez, I think I killed the thread. That's kind of disappointing.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:29PM
worstcase at 10:04PM, June 7, 2009
posts: 224
joined: 1-15-2007
You didnt kill it! I like whatever it is, but I want to see a finished version cause right now all I see are basic thingythings.

Here's mine:

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:51PM
Ozoneocean at 7:49AM, June 8, 2009
posts: 28,842
joined: 1-2-2004
Here's mine:
Cool, reminds me of a royal card, as well as being freaky and mutated. Nice radial symmetry and the colourong has a nice contrast and watercolourish effect. :)

I find that when I take a break from drawing sometimes, my style takes interesting new turns… I'm always interested in how Pinky will look the net time I draw her:

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:34PM
NickGuy at 10:22AM, June 9, 2009
posts: 990
joined: 2-22-2007

i really like that flip image, worstcase! its pleasing on the eyes :)

i almost never draw anything not KFK related anymore…heres a figure sketch

“Kung Fu Komix IS…hardcore martial art action all the way. 8/10” -Harkovast
“Kung Fu Komix is that rare comic that is made with heart and love of the medium, and it delivers” -Zenstrive
“Kung Fu Komix is…so awesome” -threeeyeswurm
“Kung Fu Komix is..told with all the stupid exuberance of the genre it parodies” -The Real Macabre
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:15PM
Aurora Borealis at 10:43AM, June 11, 2009
posts: 1,289
joined: 3-2-2008
Right, so… I like the changing line weight a lot I think the right shoulder/upper back could use some more details (the lone shoulderblade on left looks slightly weird) but over all it looks good.

- - - - -

This one was made yesterday, too me somewhere between 90-120 minutes.

I'll have to do a short comic in this art style someday (got a couple of 48-52 page long concepts).

last edited on July 14, 2011 11:08AM
Eddie Jensen at 7:21AM, June 15, 2009
posts: 253
joined: 6-7-2007
it's pretty good I like the concept and the colors but the composition is a bit boring.

if I was a teapot I think I'd be orange.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:18PM
SarahN at 6:50PM, June 15, 2009
posts: 1,580
joined: 1-1-2006
That's very…different, and very cool! I like how the ‘pigs’ are literally pigs… I'd like to have seen that fight. XD
Very nice coloring there.

I don't have much new stuff to show, but a lot of people liked this simple pic at Deviantart…sorry about Topaz's (the light-haired guy) weird arms though. -
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:23PM
Freegurt at 11:24PM, June 15, 2009
posts: 331
joined: 11-24-2007
I really like the positioning of the two characters and the all around softness of the picture. ;) Topazs' shirt reminds me of an 80's style motorcycle gangster. And that makes him automatically made of win.


Heheheh, this picture was a project for my brother's geography packet thing. The theme was Africa and what had to be done was draw something that pertained to the continent (that also included it). The teacher liked it quite a bit, hur hurr.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:31PM
ParkerFarker at 5:40PM, June 16, 2009
posts: 1,451
joined: 4-29-2009
I like the front two giraffe's heads, I think it is the dark in the middle of their heads that really make them look good. And I like how you blurred the background giraffe although at first glance I didn't think it looked great.

This I did at school and I think I will do a series of this scene with the spacemen springing the ambush on the aliens. Being a landscape shot it got smaller in the thread, here is the direct link

“We are in the stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun.” - Blackadder
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:38PM
worstcase at 12:03PM, June 17, 2009
posts: 224
joined: 1-15-2007
ParkerFarker: There are some cool ideas in here, but there is a point where sketchy pencil lines and lined notebook paper really aren't going to help you get your ideas across. Get some unlined paper, and put something up here that really looks “finished”

Here are two quick little things i did WAY back. WAAAAAY BACK:

I put the blue one on a tshirt, it came out rather nice :)

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:51PM
threeeyeswurm at 10:43AM, June 18, 2009
posts: 106
joined: 10-26-2007
worstcase: I like the idea behind the designs but the colors seem too flat and doesn't fit with the line art very well. I think for the second picture, it works better without the blurry dots.

Here's a picture I did in 2008:

last edited on July 14, 2011 4:30PM
Kristen Gudsnuk at 4:52PM, June 18, 2009
posts: 1,338
joined: 10-4-2006

OMG. *choked up* it's beautiful… Freegurt, you are like, the most hilarious person evar.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:23PM
Eddie Jensen at 7:35PM, June 18, 2009
posts: 253
joined: 6-7-2007
haha threeeyes once I acctually noticed the nike advertising I couldn't help but smile. Really cool stuff, I'd maybe extend the crop a bit upwards and shove him further into the bottom left corner though, it feels a bit floating.

heres mine.
if I was a teapot I think I'd be orange.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:18PM
Ryuthehedgewolf at 8:28PM, June 20, 2009
posts: 1,340
joined: 9-2-2007
I like the paper texture, not sure if that's digital or not, but still. It's also very simplistic, but nice. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that Wolverine? Nevertheless, great work, as always.

Just finished, took maybe like…an hour and a half total?
Only used a Pilot Precise V5.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:16PM
HippieVan at 3:55PM, June 22, 2009
posts: 3,003
joined: 3-15-2008
Nice! I love the small head compared to the big broad shoulders. :) You have a really neat style coming along.
His arms along the side seem a bit odd somehow, though. The way they're shaped, or the way they connect to the body or something.

Apparently there was some crap on my scanner, which is why he has a random dot on his forehead here.
Duchess of Friday Newsposts and the holy Top Ten
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:49PM
nigbun at 8:08AM, June 27, 2009
posts: 24
joined: 2-4-2007
A very nice portrait :) I like the softness of this, it gives a peaceful feel.
The skin and the hair is very nicely done; my only crit here would be to make the ribbon around the back of his head less “outlined”. Other than that, great work :3

Here's mine! A terrible attempt at perspective, I realise the floor is very, very wonky, but I was focusing on the character DX

You guys are all so awesome, not fair |D
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:16PM
Eddie Jensen at 1:39PM, June 30, 2009
posts: 253
joined: 6-7-2007
well as far as perspective goes you pulled it off pretty well the biggest problem is that the upper and the lower body are different extremes of the same perspective ( I make this error alot myslef) so the legs are about twice as extreme as the torso , and the arm just leaves perspective completely. Still pretty damn well done though.

just a something I drew for sketch of the week over at penciljack

if I was a teapot I think I'd be orange.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:18PM
PIT_FACE at 7:44AM, July 16, 2009
posts: 2,773
joined: 4-21-2007
haha,love it Eddie. Spiderman looks a bit off in the background, but i wont say much about it cuase i know it's a sketch and i've seen other work you do, so i think you probably know already. but i love the gag man.

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:45PM
Aurora Borealis at 7:39AM, July 17, 2009
posts: 1,289
joined: 3-2-2008
Wow… this is… Wow!

Great piece, love the coloring :D

- - - - -

I wasn't sure which one to pick… have both then :D

last edited on July 14, 2011 11:08AM

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