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Astrological accuracy of birth signs and stuff.
Genejoke at 6:50AM, May 20, 2011
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
I generally consider astrology a load of old bollocks, but there is no denying that I am a typical Capricorn.

Chances are if you read through a thing about Capricorn personality traits 95% of them sum me up very well.

So what about you lot? If you never checked into it do so and share your thoughts.

Also I used to have an employee called John, who was very into it and would guess at peoples star signs within minutes of meeting them apparently was correct every time. I know he was with all the staff and clients we had.

Oh, and come on know it alls, please tear it to pieces. :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:34PM
ayesinback at 7:20AM, May 20, 2011
posts: 2,162
joined: 8-23-2010
I think astrology is fascinating and definitely believe there is a lot to it. But I don't believe that it's “destiny”.

In “western” astrology the birth chart concerns 12 houses and where the planets fall within those houses. But a newspaper horoscope, for example, only profiles the sun signs: 1/12th of the identity. So it makes sense that those daily bits are frequently laughable.

I've had my birth chart done, and it outlined (all?) my personality quirks and attributed some to, for example, having the Moon in Pisces, ascendant Gemini, Sun Aquarian. It's somewhat of a comfort to think that the way I am is, in part, due to pre-programmed tendencies.

As far as how typical an Aquarian I am, most people do not guess my sign accurately, even after 3 guesses, even though I think there are some hallmarks about the sign that are very much me. But then one of the hallmarks of Aquarians is that we're rather difficult to predict: visionaries in some ways, traditionalist in others. Impatient humanitarians.

Then there's the Chinese astrology - I am very much my Chinese sign, which is an interesting dichotomy when my western sun sign is considered.

I looked into this when I was trying to figure out what kind of work I wanted to dedicate myself to - what “fit”. I read alot about astrology, but I'm still asking myself what work “fits” for me.

So I don't recommend astrology for much more than learning a little bit about one's personal traits. It doesn't tell you what to do with them.

People who make decisions based on astrological signs? BIG mistake - look at poster child Hitler. Thank goodness he was a nut job for astrology.
You TOO can be (multiple choice)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:14AM
Ozoneocean at 8:46AM, May 20, 2011
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
With my simple, logical , empirical perspective on life, the universe and everything Astrology is so unlikely to have any bearing on the real world as to be virtually impossible…
From the point of view of humanity and culture though, it's a pretty ingrained, integral belief… So it's entirely possible that predictions influence people's lives and that many of the practises associated with it do have deep and real meaning to people, and maybe even much wider meaning since they were tied so strongly with agriculture and the calenders with which we STILL run our lives.
So while your morning coffee has far more to do with your daily disposition than space rocks or flaming spherical masses of gas in the sky, no one should ever discount the power and cumulative wisdom of human culture.

…for fun I sometimes see what my horoscope is and how closely it applies to me, then I go through all the rest and see how closely they all apply to me as well. Usually they all match in various ways. :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:38PM
crocty at 8:52AM, May 20, 2011
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
IIIIIIIIt's bullshit.

Of course it is, oh yes it is!

The astrological signs people usually associate themselves are never the ones they were actually born under. Scorpio for example, is actually in the sun for 5 times less time than virgo. But of course they all get equal dates in astrology.

They also neglected the 13th constellation for a while, so….Yeah.

As for the personality stuff, yeah, it's all vague. Lemme just look up the one for cancer.
First few lines of some astrology site
Cancer folk tend to react to emotions first and to reason second, though at the same time as they re-act they do try to rationalize too. Cancer people are sympathetic and protective towards those with-in their circle their family they are very devoted to their family's and those that they like.
Oh they got it on the nose, not only do I, a human being, tend to have emotions, I am also nice to my family and friends.
It's like they KNOW ME.

Cancer sun signs are often very much in love with their own homes and they will not rest until their house, their clothes and all their possessions conform to their own idea of beauty and order.
Yeah okay that's completely wrong, but they got the first part right, guys!

Last one because I can't stand this
Cancer folks are very patriotic and will often stick up for and some times love their own country. those born with the Cancer astrological “profile” are both cautious and economical but very giving, have an intense desire for harmony which they will try to satisfy in every possible way they can.
Well they got me there, I watched the royal wedding (And by that I mean I couldn't have given any less of a shit about the royal wedding) and I tend to not give away anything unless I actually can and am getting something out of it, so yeah, they got that right too.

My WORD, what some people will believe.

Bottom line is, humans are very good at looking for patterns in things, especially when there's not a pattern there. If they notice that their best friend is their starsign's best match, they'll put that as a point in astrology's favour. But if they're not, they won't notice that as much.

Here's an idea: Blondes tend to make friends with brunettes better than redheads or other blondes. Isn't that amazing?

EDIT: Wait I just remembered I was actually born under Gemini (Like I said! All wrong!) so maybe Gemini's personality thing is more accurate. Oh boy lemme see.

Uuugh same site
There is very little in life that troubles those born with the Gemini astrological “profile” and nothing much can stop the relentless talk and gossiping from those born with this astrological profile for long!
That's right, nothing in life that troubles me. When I had to call up a college to ask them if their deadline for a course had passed, I only had to put it off a few hours, then wait sitting next to my phone in silence building up the courage to call. Excellent.
Of course the second part describes the people AROUND a Gemini, so I don't….get that?

People born under the Gemini sun can usually argue their way out of just about any situation.
No I can't, I fail at that always, this shit doesn't prove a THING and you can't say it does.

Rule of three says last one
The Gemini profile is very active and curios and they can be relentless in their pursuit of information and will usually excels at conveying this information to others but not always in a logical or understandable way!
Well yes, I will say–wait…
Curios? Really? Come now…Really?

I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:54AM
Faliat at 9:07AM, May 20, 2011
posts: 584
joined: 10-17-2006
There's a reason I put my blood type on my profile. Because I go AGAINST it.

Neither to I fit the taurus personality.

And I DEFINITELY don't fit the snake personality.

If all of that is wrong, then how the hell can I believe anything else I'm told from those things?

Went to a palmist a few years ago at the Irn Bru Carnival for a laugh.
Also wrong. Said I drink too much alcohol. I don't drink at all. And he INSISTED that he was right when I told him he wasn't. Lol.

Call that jumped up metal rod a knife?
Watch mine go straight through a kevlar table, and if it dunt do the same to a certain gaixan's skull in my immediate vicinity after, I GET A F*****G REFUND! BUKKO, AH?!

- Rekkiy (NerveWire)
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:25PM
Genejoke at 9:17AM, May 20, 2011
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
So while your morning coffee has far more to do with your daily disposition than space rocks or flaming spherical masses of gas in the sky, no one should ever discount the power and cumulative wisdom of human culture.

This, although I usually bemoan the collective stupidy…

Faliat's comment is interesting as most people I know well fit their designated personality type to a tee.

I had an ex who was very into it and she was concerned about our relationships long term potential as we weren't a good pairing. Guess what happened?

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:34PM
ayesinback at 2:31PM, May 20, 2011
posts: 2,162
joined: 8-23-2010
OK, boys.

I'm talking to:
Oz (who I suspect has a considerable Sag influence)
Crocty (and I can see why you'd check out the sign of the crab, but I think you've got some Leo going on)
and Genejoke (only if he wants his doubts further compounded)

Here is a one time offer/challenge:
you PQ me your
- exact birth time (meaning the time of day as exactly as it can be determined as recorded by where you were born - no conversion to Greenwich required),
- plus day, year and place of birth (country, state/county/shire/whatever, and town) and
- an email address

and I will provide you a FREE Birth Chart (and not blab any of the info you send).

Now birth charts are really only as good as the interpretation, and I don’t interpret. I just provide you with what the software says the tendencies are.

Then you look it over, and if you find something that is totally off, you post it. And then we’ll see if others think it’s also totally off, knowing you only from your posts.

Here’s a sample. I asked what my intellectual disposition is today. This was what the software gave me:

“Your Mercury for this day is in your birth 11th house, affecting friends and organizations. You find yourself wondering about your friends and the groups you belong to. Should you become more active? Drop out? Make new friends?

My response: blue is dead on; red is off

“Aspects: today your Mercury is opposition to your birth Neptune.
You can’t decide if it’s you who is confused or whether others just don’t want to hear what you have to say.

My response: oh, I decided without much difficulty.

If I don’t get a PQ from you (what’s the term . . . let me think – could it be - know-it-all’s?), well then I guess you’re just

(Thanks again, Skullbie!)

Hugs and kisses,
You TOO can be (multiple choice)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:14AM
Chernobog at 4:11PM, May 20, 2011
posts: 926
joined: 11-3-2007
I don't put a lot of stock into it. It's amusing, but I can't rationally attribute much meaning to it. It reminds me of those psychics who issue a few vague interpretations, horoscopes, or tendencies about people… someone's going to find something broad enough in it all to raise their hand and say “That's me!” People seem to discount they're composed of many things in large and small amounts.

I'm a Pisces. I have many things in common with the traits of the fish, but I have aspects that also befit other signs or don't belong in Pisces. :)

“You tell yourself to just
enjoy the process,” he added. “That whether you succeed or fail, win or
lose, it will be fine. You pretend to be Zen. You adopt detachment, and
ironic humor, while secretly praying for a miracle.”
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:41AM
crocty at 4:14PM, May 20, 2011
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
Crocty (and I can see why you'd check out the sign of the crab, but I think you've got some Leo going on)

….I had a long essay, bitingly sarcastic, but I don't think…I want to…
Here's the gist:
I don't know my exact time of birth, I don't consider it thaaat important to look for my birth certificate to do so.
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:54AM
ayesinback at 4:19PM, May 20, 2011
posts: 2,162
joined: 8-23-2010
….I had a long essay, bitingly sarcastic, but I don't think…I want to…
Here's the gist:
I don't know my exact time of birth, I don't consider it thaaat important to look for my birth certificate to do so.

Well, I agree that it is really isn't important, but I find it altogether amusing that it's so easy to pooh-pooh stuff without ever looking into it.

so — the default for folks born in a rice patty is to use noon - which means some aspects will be a little bit off, but it would still be a helluva lot closer a match than a daily horoscope.
You TOO can be (multiple choice)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:14AM
crocty at 4:29PM, May 20, 2011
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
….I had a long essay, bitingly sarcastic, but I don't think…I want to…
Here's the gist:
I don't know my exact time of birth, I don't consider it thaaat important to look for my birth certificate to do so.

Well, I agree that it is really isn't important, but I find it altogether amusing that it's so easy to pooh-pooh stuff without ever looking into it.

so — the default for folks born in a rice patty is to use noon - which means some aspects will be a little bit off, but it would still be a helluva lot closer a match than a daily horoscope.
Ah you got me, a chicken for sure.

Very well, after I am done with signing up for a Scientology seminar, a cannibal feast and the klan (Gotta give that shit a shot before saying it's bullshit) I will PQ you with my birth date, time of birth, email address, and credit card number. (Pin needed?)

I will, of course, expect this vague personality description to be 100% correct 100% of the time. (We cancers are like that.)

Oh fuck I promised myself when I deleted that essay I wouldn't use that last line, FUCK.

Well, you know us cancers.

EDIT: Signing up for a Scientology.
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:54AM
seventy2 at 5:08PM, May 20, 2011
posts: 3,955
joined: 11-15-2007
Oooooh OOhhhh do me do me!
Running Anew an exercise blog.
I'm gonna love you till the money comes, half of it's gonna be mine someday.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:31PM
kyupol at 6:16PM, May 20, 2011
posts: 3,736
joined: 1-12-2006
I dont believe in destiny. We all have choices.



last edited on July 14, 2011 1:27PM
Ally Haert at 6:24PM, May 20, 2011
posts: 279
joined: 2-16-2011
I don't know, I can't really buy this whole “birth” sign thing, mostly because it revolves around birth.

To believe in star signs we'd first have to assume that stars affect us somehow. Lets pretend that the heavenly bodies that be are out there spinning and moving, burning and colliding and creating chemical, magnetic, and gravitational reactions. And let's assume those reactions are strong enough and enduring enough to reach earth. Let's also assume that they are of perfect strength to affect the human body without, say, ruining the chemical balance of our planet or throwing our planet off of it's axis.

It's a stretch, but sometimes reality is stranger than fiction.

Where they really lose me is this whole “birth” obsession.

Honestly, why the obsession with the exact moment (down to the minute and second) of birth. Am I to believe that all these influential features of the heavenly bodies can penetrate the Earth's atmosphere, gravitational vortex, and magnetic field and hault when they reach the impenetrable barrier of the mother's womb?

It's just so…silly.

If these things really do have any bearing on the way we react, the way we are patterned to think and feel, than wouldn't it be a much more accurate measurement to go by the moment of conception?

The way I figure, if these things affected us, they'd affect us from the beginning. There's nothing so scientifically magical about the moment of birth that conditions us to be so suddenly open to the influence of the “stars and beyond”.

It all seems to require a lot more faith and luck, and a lot less basis in logic and science.

At best? This whole star sign stuff is a streeeeetttccchhhh.
“No one can go back to start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending,” Maria Ross.
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:49AM
seventy2 at 6:59PM, May 20, 2011
posts: 3,955
joined: 11-15-2007
i think of it more as there are really only so many “individuals”. Kinda like how there are “only 7 original stories”.
We're all practically clones. While our destinies and futures are not chosen for us, our personalities and some quirks are. And generalizing most personalities into 12 things is going to get it right most the time, statistically.

So while the stars that are lined into animals/myths have no direct affect on us, the generalizations attributed to each, hits close to home more often than not.
Running Anew an exercise blog.
I'm gonna love you till the money comes, half of it's gonna be mine someday.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:31PM
kyupol at 7:12PM, May 20, 2011
posts: 3,736
joined: 1-12-2006
To come to think of it, these astrological signs and horoscopes tend to create a hypnotic effect on your mind… that is, if you allow the suggestions to get in your head.

For instance, my sign is “Cancer”.
According to this website:

It says this:
“They are complex, fragile, unpredictable and temperamental and need constant support and encouragement, more then any other astrology signs, Cancer needs to be needed. Even when all needs are satisfied, they can be irritable and cranky. They have an uneasy, delicate temperament. The contradictory nature of Cancer gives their temperament the wild mood swings and possible temper tantrums. They are easily offended and will sulk and wallow in self pity for a long time when they get hurt.”

Huh?!? This doesn't describe me… NOT ONE BIT. hahaha.

But if I take these SUGGESTIONS to heart, it will all become a self-fulfilling prophecy as a state of hypnosis is created in my mind.

Btw, I noticed how all these supposed astrological sign definitions employ what is called a Milton Model


Its all hypnosis my friends…

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:27PM
OnlyFoolsAndVikings at 8:40PM, May 20, 2011
posts: 549
joined: 5-25-2010
Its bullshit, bullshit that can be frighteningly accurate if you want it to be. Horoscopes are vague for a reason, and the reason is so anyone can look at it and go: “HEY, I did that!”

Although, it is fun to read about it, just because I'm a nosy parker like that. I have a little Collins Astrology book, where it goes through all the star signs (western and Chinese Zodiac) and tells you the personality traits and such of each sign. Its scarily accurate for me. I'm a typical Pisces, and I knock heads sometimes with a friend of mine who is a typical Virgo, Pisces and Virgo being opposite signs and having a naturally “turbulant” relationship.

Its fun too look at, but that's about it.
of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:21PM
Dodger at 8:59PM, May 20, 2011
posts: 200
joined: 12-23-2010
I have a friend who can guess your sign right after she meets you… She's super accurate, I think I'm the only person she's gotten wrong, although she was close (she guessed Aries when I'm a Taurus.) Whatever, Aradia's my favorite troll anyway. >>

Horoscopes are fun and when I was a kid my friends and I used to be into them but I always remember feeling like I had the shitty one. Like, Seventeen Magazine and YM used to have the traditional horoscopes paired with some kind of seasonal thing, like, what Halloween costume your sign should wear or what kind of valentines day candy you were and Taurus was always the shitty one. How am I supposed to be Beyonce for Halloween October 2004 issue of Seventeen magazine?! HUH?!

I'm more interested in “birthday colors” or whatever the proper term is. Every time I look someone's up, its surprisingly accurate to their color ascetics.

Koji Takahashi Stops the World, full color, updating Mondays
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:13PM
seventy2 at 9:15PM, May 20, 2011
posts: 3,955
joined: 11-15-2007
Pisces and Virgo being opposite signs and having a naturally “turbulant” relationship.

Its fun too look at, but that's about it.

My wife's a virgo………………………………………………………

We're just pretty opposites anyways. i like to be active, she likes to stay at home.i like to spend my money, she likes to spend my money…
Running Anew an exercise blog.
I'm gonna love you till the money comes, half of it's gonna be mine someday.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:31PM
Ally Haert at 9:31PM, May 20, 2011
posts: 279
joined: 2-16-2011
i like to spend my money, she likes to spend my money…

I think this is just the married condition, my friend.
“No one can go back to start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending,” Maria Ross.
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:49AM
skoolmunkee at 12:11AM, May 21, 2011
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
i think of it more as there are really only so many “individuals”. Kinda like how there are “only 7 original stories”. … generalizing most personalities into 12 things is going to get it right most the time, statistically.

This is what I believe, pretty much - someone who is stubborn is going to have a lot of associated personality traits and go against others. The horoscopes in my view just group those together (and then I guess arbitrarily distribute them over the year?)

However! I think they're interesting and fun, and it's a bit of harmless self-indulgence to look up birth chart type info of yourself and others just to see how well they match. I don't look at daily horoscopes because they're obviously useless, but the bigger ones can be interesting.

More interesting to me personally is that I think I fit my Chinese one more than my western one, but maybe that's just self-flattery since the Chinese one has traits I think are more positive. :]
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:44PM
ayesinback at 8:12AM, May 21, 2011
posts: 2,162
joined: 8-23-2010
Ally Haert
I don't know, I can't really buy this whole “birth” sign thing, mostly because it revolves around birth.

To believe in star signs we'd first have to assume that stars affect us somehow. Lets pretend that the heavenly bodies that be are out there spinning and moving, burning and colliding and creating chemical, magnetic, and gravitational reactions. And let's assume those reactions are strong enough and enduring enough to reach earth. Let's also assume that they are of perfect strength to affect the human body without, say, ruining the chemical balance of our planet or throwing our planet off of it's axis.

It's a stretch, but sometimes reality is stranger than fiction.

Where they really lose me is this whole “birth” obsession.

Honestly, why the obsession with the exact moment (down to the minute and second) of birth. Am I to believe that all these influential features of the heavenly bodies can penetrate the Earth's atmosphere, gravitational vortex, and magnetic field and hault when they reach the impenetrable barrier of the mother's womb?

It's just so…silly.

If these things really do have any bearing on the way we react, the way we are patterned to think and feel, than wouldn't it be a much more accurate measurement to go by the moment of conception?

The way I figure, if these things affected us, they'd affect us from the beginning. There's nothing so scientifically magical about the moment of birth that conditions us to be so suddenly open to the influence of the “stars and beyond”.

It all seems to require a lot more faith and luck, and a lot less basis in logic and science.

At best? This whole star sign stuff is a streeeeetttccchhhh.
“scientifically magical”? is it delicious too? I'll have fun rolling those words together for a little while

Actually, there are Chinese astrologers who base their readings on conception and not birth. I think birth is chosen because it's easier to pinpoint, and it's the first point when an individual is breathing (“vibrating” ) independently. A Mom's energy carries quite a lot of influence - long after birth included :)

For the most part, I attribute astrology to yet another “energy” study. It cracks me up that science tells us that the Moon's pull affects the tides and so we can all buy into that - but surely the moon wouldn't affect us! Because we're only what percentage water?

Re exact moment, from my understanding, it's usually not a deal-breaker, but there are some bodies (for example, the moon) that can enter/leave a celestial position within minutes that can alter its influence. As to birth sign, the sun sign, that's as good a picture as any that's missing 11/12ths of the description.

Like I said, I think it's fascinating, but it's not destiny. To me, knowing your chart is a little bit like looking into a mirror – looking too long too deeply is actually detrimental, but it can give you some self-information that can be useful. And you can live very well without it.

So – new proposal! For those who would like a free birth chart (and this is just a computer program run thing - with a software interpretation - I don't interpret!!!) - send me your radio script within the week (use the link in my sig for guidelines) and then PQ me the stuff I mentioned in the post before.

(had to plug the radio scripts. had to – my birth chart told me to)
You TOO can be (multiple choice)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:14AM
seventy2 at 8:44AM, May 21, 2011
posts: 3,955
joined: 11-15-2007
It was fun to read! It was about 50% right. The one that fit the most was along the lines of “ Lady Luck always smiles on you. In turn, you always smile on others. Your generosity is legend.”
my friends always are shocked by the gifts i get them, or if they see how much i'm tipping our server…
Running Anew an exercise blog.
I'm gonna love you till the money comes, half of it's gonna be mine someday.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:31PM
ayesinback at 9:35AM, May 21, 2011
posts: 2,162
joined: 8-23-2010
It was fun to read! It was about 50% right. The one that fit the most
Dude - the challenge was to post what didn't fit.

Cuz if you want others to play by the rules . . .
You TOO can be (multiple choice)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:14AM
seventy2 at 9:38AM, May 21, 2011
posts: 3,955
joined: 11-15-2007

i'll be back in a bit.
Running Anew an exercise blog.
I'm gonna love you till the money comes, half of it's gonna be mine someday.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:31PM
crocty at 10:20AM, May 21, 2011
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
Siiiigh okay, I'll tally it up. 2 points for something that's right, 1 point for something that's vaguley right, -1 for anything that's completely wrong.
Now I have a huge chart to read through, wait here. (There will be no waiting, the tallying will be instantaneous for you)

Oh my god, no, okay, this is way too long, I already lost count.
I'll make a tumblr post about the matter, way too long to post here.
Here we go, I did it instantly in your timeline. BOOM.
The gist: After 2 and a half pages, the chart has 1 point in its favour. WooooOooOOooOOooOOooOo. Finish that later maybe.
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:54AM
ayesinback at 12:38PM, May 21, 2011
posts: 2,162
joined: 8-23-2010
Looks like it's a crock for crocty.

Thanks for taking the challenge (and following the rules). I unfairly branded you a chicken

*must stop branding chickens*
You TOO can be (multiple choice)
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:14AM
crocty at 12:43PM, May 21, 2011
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
Looks like it's a crock for crocty.

Thanks for taking the challenge (and following the rules). I unfairly branded you a chicken

*must stop branding chickens*
BOOOOOOOOM. I am the winner again.

So as we agreed, I am to be compensated the full £3000 by next Tuesday.
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:54AM
blindsk at 2:17PM, May 21, 2011
posts: 560
joined: 5-5-2010
Ally Haert
If these things really do have any bearing on the way we react, the way we are patterned to think and feel, than wouldn't it be a much more accurate measurement to go by the moment of conception?

The way I figure, if these things affected us, they'd affect us from the beginning. There's nothing so scientifically magical about the moment of birth that conditions us to be so suddenly open to the influence of the “stars and beyond”.

Actually, I'm sure an Astrologist would argue that you're programmed to be like that from the beginning. It's just a matter of time before you develop into those traits - it's not like you can be changed otherwise.

I don't believe in any of it. More so because my job involves studying those stars so much that I really can't handle some other parameter getting in the way. I'm fine keeping it to red shifts and stellar magnitudes, thank you very much.

But I have to admit, following astrology would be a hell of an interesting way to lead one's life. I'd even say if you're bored, try following it to the letter for a year or something and see what happens. Who knows, maybe it will change your life!
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:25AM
mlai at 5:27AM, May 24, 2011
posts: 3,026
joined: 12-28-2006
But modern astrology is not TRUE astrology; they don't account for the 13th constellation, and they fudge things so everything would be regular and easily comprehensible for the masses, “Astrology For Idiots.”

The stellar signs that astrology is supposedly based on are all INACCURATE in terms of the astronomy. And that is being KNOWINGLY INACCURATE, because the astrologers don't think the masses can handle the true data. Or they cba'ed to use the true data.

Why is it not accurate data? Because it's all based on stellar data gathered from millennia ago. News flash, stellar positions relative to the Earth change over time. They were accurate for the Babylonians, they're no longer accurate for us!

Do modern astrologers account for the discrepancies? What, you think they're genuine astrologers, like the ancient Babylonians who dedicate their lives to it? These con artists are more interested in fine-tuning their Milton Models (ala Kyupol's link) than updating their data. The true magic/art/science has been lost for a long time.

Just like how Roman Catholicism (toss in Protestantism and Mormonism too) is obviously not the true teachings of Jesus.

FIGHT current chapter: Filling In The Gaps
FIGHT_2 current chapter: Light Years of Gold
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:07PM

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