Comic Talk and General Discussion *

man i love this site.
that kid yellow at 9:33AM, April 19, 2007
posts: 445
joined: 1-30-2007
please dont get mad cause i do tend to post alot of this is a great site full of artist and different ideas.I used to think i was the only talented person in this world who could not let out my work.but ever since i found this site i found new friends and people who dont mind giving out help and other great artist.this is a great community.I dont remember the last time i was on myspace lmao!how do ya'll feel about the site?to all great job and keep it up
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:14PM
subcultured at 9:51AM, April 19, 2007
posts: 5,399
joined: 1-7-2006
it has cool people, so i like it. :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:02PM
that kid yellow at 10:03AM, April 19, 2007
posts: 445
joined: 1-30-2007
lol ooops
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:14PM
silentkitty at 11:07AM, April 19, 2007
posts: 618
joined: 1-15-2007
After just spending an hour trying to figure out how the hell to set up my comic on webcomicsnation, I love this site more than ever. (I still don't see an easy way to upload a set of pages on that site, as far as I can tell you have to go through a three-step process to upload every damn page in order to have them actually show up in order..?) I love how easy this site is to get started on, to use, and the fact that the community actually interacts with each other.

I'm so happy I came here first, or I might have ended up giving up on posting my comic on community sites. =p
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:37PM
that kid yellow at 11:29AM, April 19, 2007
posts: 445
joined: 1-30-2007
i understand your pain.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:14PM
Hijuda at 12:38PM, April 19, 2007
posts: 459
joined: 4-12-2007
Yeah, it's an awesome site.

… That's it.
It's a comic!

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:48PM
that kid yellow at 2:40PM, April 19, 2007
posts: 445
joined: 1-30-2007
thanks for fixing my sig.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:14PM
Peipei at 3:10PM, April 19, 2007
posts: 535
joined: 7-18-2006
I can't lie :3 This site is wonderful ^^ I would have no purpose of even drawing or writing comics anymore if not for DD ^~^ This site is better than watching T.V. It's like T.v. but its a million times better. :3. I never get bored of reading comics. Especially since there's like thousands of them here on DD.*Is a comic junkie*

And I met alot of interesting and most talented people here. If you ever need a spokeswoman for this site, gimme a call :3

Peipei the spokeswoman: “Come to! Where all of your wildest dreams come true!”

Thankyou DD :3 You are my king!:D heeheehee

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:41PM
legendkiller13 at 5:14PM, April 19, 2007
posts: 155
joined: 1-1-2007
yup, sites freakin awsome
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:34PM
subcultured at 5:23PM, April 19, 2007
posts: 5,399
joined: 1-7-2006
that kid yellow
thanks for fixing my sig.

np :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:02PM
deleted-byrequest-03 at 7:49PM, April 19, 2007
posts: 812
joined: 8-13-2006
DrunkDuck is the best ever… I mean, I haven't met any assholes in the forums! You guys are all so nice… (Well, to me, anyway) Also, people like my comic! I can't be mad about THAT, now can I? :D

This year, school's full of BS!!!
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:05PM
subcultured at 8:35PM, April 19, 2007
posts: 5,399
joined: 1-7-2006
we make assholes feel unwelcome when they act out and cause anarchy, so they tend to stay away from the forums.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:02PM
silentkitty at 8:37PM, April 19, 2007
posts: 618
joined: 1-15-2007
It's true, I think this is the most asshole-free forum I've ever seen. Usually there's at least one or two that just won't take a hint short of banning.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:37PM
Rainyday2 at 9:29PM, April 19, 2007
posts: 128
joined: 4-19-2007
I love this site. I joined today, but I only wish I was good at HTML!!!

Come read


Pretty please?
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:00PM
Adariel at 10:12PM, April 19, 2007
posts: 913
joined: 1-1-2006
Its good to see that this community has tremendously expanded in the last few months while keeping its sanity in check. People actually stay in here, not like some forums where people disappear like crazy after a while. And theres lot of friendly and talented people abound.
Seriously, when this site went kaput last time, i was lost. Even my drive for drawing went down tremendously. Thats how much this site became a part of my daily routines.
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:45AM
that kid yellow at 10:36PM, April 19, 2007
posts: 445
joined: 1-30-2007
hahahaha this site is better than tv my girl gets mad when i get on.everyone is nice.I guess if the world were nothing but artist it would be a happy place.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:14PM
that kid yellow at 11:07PM, April 19, 2007
posts: 445
joined: 1-30-2007
I can't lie :3 This site is wonderful ^^ I would have no purpose of even drawing or writing comics anymore if not for DD ^~^ This site is better than watching T.V. It's like T.v. but its a million times better. :3. I never get bored of reading comics. Especially since there's like thousands of them here on DD.*Is a comic junkie*

i know how you feel.this is a will determine my life.hehehe but for real i love this comic only if i knew about it years ago. well at least i found it know.

check out my comic
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:14PM
Chelano at 7:01AM, April 20, 2007
posts: 620
joined: 4-14-2006
I think everyone on this site sucks and I am God.


I love DD and I have met alot of cool people and friends here. When you stay with a site long enough, it is like you become a giant family. Like volte is my dad and subculture is my mom….HAHAH j/k j/k
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:41AM
subcultured at 7:09AM, April 20, 2007
posts: 5,399
joined: 1-7-2006
i rather be think of as a cool uncle that lets you take a sip of his beer.

that's right! i'm an enabler ^_-
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:02PM
usedbooks at 7:21AM, April 20, 2007
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Speaking of enabling relatives… I was so scared to share my comic with anyone, but my brother pushed me into making it a webcomic. I didn't know where to start, but DD was so easy to figure out. And everyone around here seems friendly, compared to communities around the internet, many of which are full of jerks and annoying people. Even though I can't draw (but I'm learning), all these talented artists are being kind to me. Thanks for that.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:36PM
Kristen Gudsnuk at 7:38AM, April 20, 2007
posts: 1,338
joined: 10-4-2006
yeah, seriously… this site is such a motivation to me!!! I mean, I update a lot… but I probably wouldn't be as far into my comic if I didn't have the support of my readers!!
for example, I was all emo and dejected earlier today (or was it yesterday? life is a blur) and then I looked at the fanart thread and generic human made me this really cool fanart!!! I told this random girl I didn't know all about it and made her look at the fanart… and was all twitchy with joy!!!
also I've made friends! I've even garnered a penpal!!! Theorah and I write letters (real letters! like, mail-letters!) full of drawings and life-musings… *sigh* this site is awesome.
even the forums are great. there's always an interesting discussion going on, and ozoneocean seems to be a bastion of interesting social concepts and random historical facts and stuff… he's like an australian encyclopedia.. ex dee!!!
and of course the comics on this site are just great. I'm always rereading archives (especially lola and rainbow carousel for some reason…) and discovering new, awesome comics.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:22PM
that kid yellow at 9:32AM, April 20, 2007
posts: 445
joined: 1-30-2007
thsi site is the bomb baby…who is the creator of this site.anyways we are a big the new kid on the
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:14PM
that kid yellow at 9:35AM, April 20, 2007
posts: 445
joined: 1-30-2007
i see sub as an older brother who still into j/p.wit out sub help i be lost making my comic black and white wit bad text.dont believe me check out both my comics and see the diff.thanks for everyones support.Transformers!!!!!lol
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:14PM
wyldflowa at 9:48AM, April 20, 2007
posts: 142
joined: 4-20-2006
I was thinking how nice this place is myself the other day~

Honestly, I was a bit apprehensive of joining here at first - not only because I was worried it'd crash again (!) but that I'd heard the members just went about making useless banal comments and dropping five ratings on every picture they see… How wrong I was~!

I've found pretty much everyone here to be very intelligent and friendly~ These forums are especially a hotbed of interesting topics and debates and even someone as forum-shy as me feels comfortable posting here. :) The comments I get on my pages always raise a smile because they're always informed, insightful and supporting~ DD really is a treasure. I would never of gotten so far without it. *big bear hugs for DD*

I'm sooooo glad I didn't put RC up on now~!
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:52PM
that kid yellow at 10:09AM, April 20, 2007
posts: 445
joined: 1-30-2007
hehehe im glad to hear everyone feels the same way i do.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:14PM
AQua_ng at 12:06PM, April 20, 2007
posts: 7,827
joined: 4-6-2006
Everytime I go on the Internet, Drunkduck is my first and final stop.

Three cheers for the Duck!

K.A.L.A-dan! Brigade Captain :D
K.A.L.A.-dan forums!
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:56AM
Chelano at 12:38PM, April 20, 2007
posts: 620
joined: 4-14-2006
Everytime I go on the Internet, Drunkduck is my first and final stop.

Three cheers for the Duck!

Liar…i know you go straight for porn…then DD
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:41AM
AQua_ng at 1:05PM, April 20, 2007
posts: 7,827
joined: 4-6-2006

I can't deny it. lol!

K.A.L.A-dan! Brigade Captain :D
K.A.L.A.-dan forums!
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:56AM
that kid yellow at 12:22AM, April 21, 2007
posts: 445
joined: 1-30-2007
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:14PM
Ozoneocean at 3:10AM, April 21, 2007
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
…Wait… There's PORN on the net? o_O
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:26PM

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