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Which sells better: CUTE or SEXY?
Ozoneocean at 10:04AM, May 6, 2010
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
It's apparently a REAL ad… They thought smelling like a baby was sexy.
Effing throw up in my mouth gross. -_-

And their lipsticks and things were called “Love Sticks”


Or at least according to Wiki… So it could all be lies.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:36PM
Dark Pascual at 12:54PM, May 6, 2010
posts: 498
joined: 1-5-2009
Product Placement
It does. Cute is innocent which is far more sexier then sexy.

That is NOT cute or sexy…
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:07PM
alwinbot at 1:00PM, May 6, 2010
posts: 884
joined: 1-12-2010
Product Placement
It does. Cute is innocent which is far more sexier then sexy.

This is the origin of pedophilia right there. It's a little too ‘Cute’ for my tastes.
Her hands look too big and bony to be hers. So I say this is fake.
Read this comic. It is the greatest journal comic ever written and drawn. Trust me.
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:50AM
no-longer-active1 at 7:43PM, May 8, 2010
posts: 38
joined: 1-8-2010
Sexy…well it depends on your audience as I've said before. Im older so therefore I'd say sexy. Cute is like a taste or as one would say “A bite of the apple”. As product placement or P.P. lol said; cute is more innocent so I wouldn't compare the two.
Going through motions while I get my head straight.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:32PM
Faliat at 11:55AM, May 9, 2010
posts: 584
joined: 10-17-2006
Nope. It is a GENUINE magazine ad from the 70s.

Call that jumped up metal rod a knife?
Watch mine go straight through a kevlar table, and if it dunt do the same to a certain gaixan's skull in my immediate vicinity after, I GET A F*****G REFUND! BUKKO, AH?!

- Rekkiy (NerveWire)
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:25PM

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