
Who am I?
alejkhan at 3:29PM, Feb. 12, 2007
posts: 390
joined: 1-5-2006
Me, I'm Victoria and I draw Lola and two other comics. I am currently 24 years old, am almost done with law school, and really ought to be doing my homework right now. But forum making is so much more fun.

So, now tell me, who might you be?
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
Ozoneocean at 10:00AM, Feb. 13, 2007
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
I am Ozoneocean, the greatest Drunk Duck forum dweeb ever…
Also Michael John Morris, who is nothing special.
I do Pinky TA… that's all really.

Go Lola!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
FatHobbit at 12:41PM, Feb. 13, 2007
posts: 2
joined: 2-13-2007
Hi, I'm FatHobbit, and the only reason why I got a DrunkDuck account was so that I could have an account on the Lola forum. I am the founder of VoltairE StudioS ( ), a creative works collective where you can find links to the comics that I have made and to other works by the other two members of VoltairE StudioS.

I think that Lola is pretty groovy. : >
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
Kristen Gudsnuk at 9:22PM, Feb. 13, 2007
posts: 1,338
joined: 10-4-2006
hi I'm Kristen!! (although the “Who am I” makes me want to start singing ‘Les Miserables’… “24601!!” heh. heh.) I looove your comic, Victoria! It's super-awesome (it was the first one I read on DD, incidentally!)!! I have a comic too, it's called “Misfit Assassins”, and I'm a sophomore in college. Hmm… who am I? *thinks deeply* I guess I'm… me?
Law school? Wow that's awesome! I'm taking a Logic class right now, which apparently people studying Law also study~! (it's fun, even though it's at 8 am!)
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
NekkoXIII at 4:20AM, Feb. 19, 2007
posts: 60
joined: 1-6-2006
*bows* Greetings. I'm Necole, though i respond to Nekko. I am the 23 year old, update challenged creator of three comics, Blacklight Twilight, Echzeon, and Either Way, and lover off the Lola. I'm currents trying my best to graduate from school with my B.F.A. in sculpture but currently i just wanna blow up my college.

Thanks for keeping me feeling young Victoria…that and your comics are groovy :D.
“You'd be surprised how much planning goes into chaos…”
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
daniel_the_drummer at 4:33PM, June 30, 2007
posts: 204
joined: 6-20-2007
I'm Dan, a writer/artist. I will be uploading my comic i have written as soon as i get back from spain (july 9th).
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
Jolt at 1:26AM, July 12, 2007
posts: 4
joined: 7-11-2007
I'm Jolt, also a college student, with crazy ambitions involving dramatic theory and criticism, PHD's, and cinemaphotography. And I also happen to be the layout/storyboard editor for a novel to comic translation called Ellysian sails.

Yes, we actually update on time. Not sure how that happened, but it has. Our artist, Agent K bends time while I'm not looking.

I just checked out the about section in Misfit Assasins, fun history, and the artwork in Either way looks amazing. I'll have to see if we can get Ellysian on to Drunk Duck, it may be a hard sell, but untill then, it's cool to see everyone's work.

And of course I love reading Lola. Contemplating a brooding notebook. Wouldn;t be here otherwsie….
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
alejkhan at 11:29AM, Sept. 20, 2007
posts: 390
joined: 1-5-2006
whoa, more people using my forum! gasp! How unexpectedly random. Hi Jolt and Dan thanks for stopping by and telling me a bit about yourselves! Good luck with your respective comics.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM

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