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Radio Play 2013 - Discuss
ayesinback at 10:07AM, March 26, 2013
posts: 2,162
joined: 8-23-2010
Guess what!

I was contacted by one of our most endearing Drunk Ducks.
Shoot, you say. There's so many. How could I possibly guess which one. Well, this Duck has the radio spirit as fullas any unopened chartreuse bottle has green spirit, and this Duck thought it might be nice to have a third year of the play.

The thing is, I have way too much family stuff going on to handle the Czarina portion. That, and the way I handled it these last two years was to deny me the fun parts, particularly being able to win a voice try-out.

So - who out there is interested in another play? Who out there can run it? I can assist, starting off by breaking down some of what needs to be done, but this year I can't run it. Please note: with a new Czarina/Czar, there's ever opportunity for new rules.
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Genejoke at 2:38PM, March 27, 2013
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
would be worth doing but i cannot help run it, too much going on for me as well.
Ozoneocean at 10:17PM, March 27, 2013
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
Functionally I could do it. I'm not overwhelmed with stuff at the moment and I have the organisational practise down pat from all I've done with the DD soap project and various other things to do with the Quackcast…
So if no one else takes up the challenge, I'll be there for it.

I'd rather someone else did though of course though! ^_^

Running a project like this is a real challenge and it is pretty fun and really interesting too- And being in charge can be pretty cool, especially if you have some good ideas for how you'd like things to turn out.
awsome owl 98 at 8:36PM, March 28, 2013
posts: 79
joined: 9-27-2011
Sorry to hear you won't be able to head the radio play this year! Last year I sent in a title page, script, and voice entry for the 2012 radio play, and Iwould love to head it this year.
gullas at 3:22AM, April 2, 2013
posts: 2,315
joined: 11-14-2007
Well if it's settled that Ozone is going to put this thing together, a good thing I might add not that I have anything against how Ayes has been running it, then we need a script, possibly a comic as well. And it might be a good idea that the script and the comic would be run by a different person, obviously to share the workload :)
bravo1102 at 4:13AM, April 2, 2013
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
We could use a runner up script from last year and save some time and effort.
ayesinback at 8:41AM, April 2, 2013
posts: 2,162
joined: 8-23-2010
@gullas- you're right! Dividing up the work is do-able and recommended.

These are the stages:
get a script. Bravo had a good idea, but there was a quality
“spectrum” in 2012. I recommend a call for script with a relatively
short delivery period (2 weeks?) and after the two weeks, vet whatever is
on hand. How to vet? Up to “producer”: judges? exec decision?

(2) the voices. massive calling? personal invite? up to new producer

edit voice recordings into final version. experience definitely
recommended. This part takes a lot of time not just communicating with
each voice artist (some more than others), but obviously the assembly
time, too. This part I cannot do.

(4) the comic. I can head this portion if that's OK with new producer.

Re the producer, Oz would be ozsome, naturally. But I know awsomeowl is very interested in helping. If he handled a portion, conceivably he could be producer in 2014 … ?
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Ozoneocean at 2:59AM, April 3, 2013
posts: 28,837
joined: 1-2-2004
I'm only offerein to head if we haven't got anyone.
If Awesome Owl is prepared to be the new Czar them I'm happy for him to do it and will help in any way he needs me to.
ayesinback at 6:10AM, April 3, 2013
posts: 2,162
joined: 8-23-2010
Well, it's been a week.

I say that if we don't have an obvious wizard step up to produce this by end of day this Fri. April 5th, then awsome owl is the new “czar” (or whatever title he chooses).
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Gunwallace at 12:23PM, April 5, 2013
posts: 384
joined: 10-13-2010
I'm part way through a script entitled The Third Duck, passed very loosely on The Third Man, that I can throw into the mix if there's still time for me to finish it?
Sample …
MAX (narrating): … when the train pulled into the station Bill Duck was nowhere to be seen. I looked around and noticed a small piece of poultry holding a sign that read McDuff.
MAX: That's a coincidence. My name's McDuff.
MESSENGER: Are you the gumshoe that's here to see Bill Duck?
MAX: That depends … who wants to know?
MESSENGER:I do, of course? Are you blind?
MAX: No, I'm just cautious with a slight limp.
MESSENGER:I've got an envelope for you.
MAX: Aren't you going to drive me to my hotel?
MESSENGER:In an envelope? Are you crazy, buddy?
MAX: If I was I'd fit right in around here.

David ‘Gunwallace’ Tulloch,
ayesinback at 5:48PM, April 5, 2013
posts: 2,162
joined: 8-23-2010

Gunwallace. Is this you claiming obvious wizardship -ery ?
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gullas at 5:07PM, April 8, 2013
posts: 2,315
joined: 11-14-2007
Soooo…. it's past the 5th. is owl going to run it?

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