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Promote Your Comic Like A Film Producer
MegaRdaniels at 7:48AM, June 12, 2018
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
Hey guys, I'm back at the forums lol! In the wakening of my comic being online soon, I was just curious, if your comic were to be a film, what would your theatrical poster look like?

> Your Poster
> Your Ideal Director Best Fit
> Actors
> Your Producer
> Distribution
> MPAA, ACB, BBFC ratings
> Estimated Budget
> Summary


Directed by: Jordan Peele

Actors: Jaz Sinclair, Jayden Smith, Regina King, Christian Bale

Producer: Simon Kinberg, and Lauren Shuler Donner

Distribution: Universal Pictures

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Stringy and Mopy: The Adventure Begins (or A Stringy and Mopy Movie) is a superhero comedy film directed by Jordan Peele. It follows the origin story of two teenagers gifted with extraordinary powers unite to save a mother from a ruthless mob boss.

I think my comic (if it were to be a film) would be a combination between Hancock and Deadpool. Not sure though, but one could dream. lol :)


last edited on June 12, 2018 7:51AM
fallopiancrusader at 10:57AM, June 12, 2018
posts: 411
joined: 12-27-2013
For “Mindfold”, the team would be as follows:

Director: Lynn Hershman-Leeson

Actors: Krysten Ritter (Darra) and Kerry Washington (Kit)

Producer: Gale Anne Hurd

Distribution: Netflix

Rating PG-13

The film would be pitched to the studio as “Lawrence of Arabia meets Wizard of Oz”
Niccea at 2:36PM, June 12, 2018
posts: 5,899
joined: 8-10-2007
Sorry to hijack, but since the theme for the for your consideration pages for this year's sears is movie posters, do you want me to put this up?
MegaRdaniels at 4:21PM, June 12, 2018
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
Niccea wrote:
Sorry to hijack, but since the theme for the for your consideration pages for this year's sears is movie posters, do you want me to put this up?

Yeah. Sure

KimLuster at 7:27PM, June 12, 2018
posts: 795
joined: 5-15-2012
This is much tougher than I thought it'd be…

I tend to like Ridley Scott movies (lotsa action AND pondering…), so if he could make a Godstrain with his feel…!

The Actress for Kimber Lee….? Gosh… Wouldn't want one of the younger ones, even the action one… Maybe Milla Jovovich!

And Rated-R!

I suck at promoting lol!
last edited on June 13, 2018 10:35AM
MegaRdaniels at 7:38PM, June 12, 2018
posts: 356
joined: 3-18-2016
KimLuster wrote:
This is much tougher than I thought it'd be…

I tend to like Ridley Scott movies (lotsa action AND pondering…), so if he could make a Godstrain with his feel…!

The Actress for Kimber Lee….? Gosh… Wouldn't want one of the younger ones, even the action one… Maybe Milla Jovovich!

I suck at promoting lol!

I think Mila Jovovich would be perfect for Kimber Lee though. She does have the looks of it. :)
last edited on June 12, 2018 7:39PM
bravo1102 at 4:31AM, June 13, 2018
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
Attack of the Robofemoids

Wise cracking aliens turn women into topless, indestructible death ray wielding robots and lay waste to a remote base.

It actually attracted a producer but there was no start up money.

I'm looking at crowd funding but first there has to be a new script.

Producer: in a perfect world; Roger Corman or Troma.
Cast: unknowns would be best but I want a part.
Director: I could do it, but rather have someone with more experience.

Rating: R, though a PG-13 version can be done with some clever costuming.

Distribution: Starz or Sy-fy or direct to DVD
Budget: $3 million estimated.
last edited on June 13, 2018 4:32AM
bravo1102 at 5:22AM, June 13, 2018
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
Sword of Kings.

A tale of magic, battle and political intrigue in early Medieval Europe following the adventures of a one handed sorceress.

The whole milieu of the story would be changed to Europe around 500-700. I have a degree in Medieval history so I can shoehorn the story into the era. It could be the late Medieval romance never-never land with Charlemagne meeting Arthur and Attila the Hun. Of course being a cable TV miniseries for TV plenty of historical liberties can be taken.

Or it could be one of those knock-off historical fantasy movies that usually show up on Sy-fly and YouTube.

Actors: it's a big cast, plenty of room for everyone.
Budget: cheaper than Game of Thrones.

Pitch: Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings meet Excalibur with Vikings and Huns.

last edited on June 13, 2018 5:26AM
fallopiancrusader at 12:40PM, June 14, 2018
posts: 411
joined: 12-27-2013
Here's the crew for the film version of “Tusk”:

Director: Mimi Leder
Producer: Raffaela De Laurentiis
Actor: Ronda Rousey (Khthonis)
Distribution: Netflix or HBO movies
Rated “R”

“A high fantasy tale that explores the relationship between xenophobia and Fascism”
KimLuster at 1:39PM, June 14, 2018
posts: 795
joined: 5-15-2012
fallopiancrusader wrote:
Here's the crew for the film version of “Tusk”:

Director: Mimi Leder
Producer: Raffaela De Laurentiis
Actor: Ronda Rousey (Khthonis)
Distribution: Netflix or HBO movies
Rated “R”

“A high fantasy tale that explores the relationship between xenophobia and Fascism”

Nice but I think Gina Carano would be a better Kthonis! ;)
usedbooks at 4:39PM, June 14, 2018
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
I'm woefully ignorant of the movie industry, so I wouldn't know where to start with producers or directors. I don't even really know any actors aside from the ones who made blockbusters in the 90s. -_- But I'll give a go at what I can.

Used Books
is really long, so it's more serial, even a miniseries might work but it would need a completely stand-alone screenplay different from the webcomic form.

Tbh, I have often pictured Sandra Bullock as Kaida and Aaron Eckhart as Fudo but I never thought about other casting. The other characters are mostly younger, and I'm not terribly familiar with younger actors. All my actors who'd make choice villains have sadly passed away irl since I began writing.

If it went into the long-running drama format, it might be a good fit for Netflix and released in seasons. Maybe one of the premium movie channels.

I guess PG-13 (or PG, since PG-13 is a pretty 90s era rating). TV-14 maybe. We could amp up the language and nudity to appeal to the drama audience and kick up the rating.

Not really big budget. It is mostly set in one modern city (could probably film in any city since it's made up – or we could set it in a real city for the production). CG is not needed. And not particularly destructive. (It's not like blowing up a car every scene or anything.)

Alternatively: It might make a good high-quality pseudo-anime series.

Summary is tougher. I'm not sure I can put it into words, atm. And it would depend some on what the screenplay becomes and what aspects it really focuses on. It could be portrayed more lighthearted or it could be melodramatic. In the current market, the latter might sell better.


This is the poster I made for Strange Creatures for the DD Award promotion. It's also basically my cover page because it has some deeper meaning.

I might actually present the story in sections, so it could be a two-part or trilogy. I think it could be in theaters.

I'd want a cast of unknowns. Although if a big name wanted on-board and screen tested well, that'd be okay.

To be honest, I'd kinda like to see what Henson Studios could do with it. Maybe not as the main production company but a partnership. Alternately, I guess CG would be useful. Or a combination. Disney might actually do okay with it considering some of their live action properties. (It should be live action. I cannot picture it animated in any form.)

Rated PG. Really nothing particularly offensive. We could cut the tobacco use out or other things if it's a hot button issue.

I don't know how much stuff costs, but budget might be a little high. It needs some effects and multiple locations.

I guess the promotion would probably start as horror/monster movie feeling but cut into the (human) characters being sarcastic at each other. I think that would set the tone well.
last edited on June 14, 2018 4:47PM
fallopiancrusader at 4:42PM, June 14, 2018
posts: 411
joined: 12-27-2013
KimLuster wrote:
fallopiancrusader wrote:
Here's the crew for the film version of “Tusk”:

Director: Mimi Leder
Producer: Raffaela De Laurentiis
Actor: Ronda Rousey (Khthonis)
Distribution: Netflix or HBO movies
Rated “R”

“A high fantasy tale that explores the relationship between xenophobia and Fascism”

Nice but I think Gina Carano would be a better Kthonis! ;)

Good choice too! Or course, my first choice would have been Bettie Page, but she's no longer available

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