Comic Talk and General Discussion *

lothar at 6:16AM, Oct. 4, 2023
posts: 1,743
joined: 1-3-2006
What are your thoughts on personal relationships?. I think that they suck. Kill me please. Btw, who needs that shit,? We live in a society
bravo1102 at 7:18AM, Oct. 4, 2023
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
Relationships themselves don't suck. They're fine and wonderful and healthy ones between two secure mature people can be very enriching and nurturing.

It's people that suck. They're immature, they have tons of baggage and enough issues to fill a dozen magazine stands. Some folks are nearly incapable of having a healthy relationship with anyone. That includes their own children, let alone spouses, family and what the heck is a friend anyway? Trust issues, intimacy problems the list goes on and on.

Some people just don't have friends, aren't very good friends and can feel all alone in a room full of people. And these are people not on the spectrum with all that baggage and stacks of issues in the way.

In addition, relationships are hard. Dealing and being with someone isn't easy even when past all the issues. Communication, consideration, empathy are hard. It's not like they're taught in school. They're mostly learned by doing. And again there's that pile of baggage and stacks of issues to climb over.

Hope I don't come off as angry or resentful. Tone is hard when it's just a wall of text. People suck but love them anyway. Be neck deep in those issues but love anyway. It's worth it.
sleeping_gorilla at 3:12PM, Oct. 4, 2023
posts: 153
joined: 6-6-2021
I have determined that a personal relationship is impossible for me. Either I am too ugly, or too unlikable. And yes, I know that I am the problem, I don't need to be reminded every 5 minutes. Now relationships are only professional, and I am much happier.
J_Scarbrough at 3:34PM, Oct. 4, 2023
posts: 607
joined: 8-23-2022
Somehow this thread does not surprise me in the least. So, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that you just go for meaningless, reckless, irresponsible sex without wanting to have to commit to a significant other for such; aromantic but not asexual.

Joseph Scarbrough
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kawaiidaigakusei at 7:12PM, Oct. 4, 2023
posts: 768
joined: 3-23-2007
Turn to the animal kingdom when searching for answers on this topic. We are part of the whole picture: Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Primates, Family: Hominidae, Genus: Homo (sapiens).

There is so much information to be gathered by observing other living creatures in their natural state and coming to the conclusion that the search for a mate (courtship rituals) and mating (procreation) are both connected to the search for Dominance and Power.

As Tim Curry’s Darkness said in the movie Legend, “We are all animals, M’lady.” It still rings true.
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
lothar at 10:02PM, Oct. 4, 2023
posts: 1,743
joined: 1-3-2006
I don't remember posting this . I'm on a lot of meds and I was hella drink last night.


You don't know me, J.
Stop pretending liked you do.

Or I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you drink people's blood.
Genejoke at 3:27AM, Oct. 5, 2023
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
bravo1102 wrote:
Relationships themselves don't suck. They're fine and wonderful and healthy ones between two secure mature people can be very enriching and nurturing.

It's people that suck. They're immature, they have tons of baggage and enough issues to fill a dozen magazine stands. Some folks are nearly incapable of having a healthy relationship with anyone. That includes their own children, let alone spouses, family and what the heck is a friend anyway? Trust issues, intimacy problems the list goes on and on.

Some people just don't have friends, aren't very good friends and can feel all alone in a room full of people. And these are people not on the spectrum with all that baggage and stacks of issues in the way.

In addition, relationships are hard. Dealing and being with someone isn't easy even when past all the issues. Communication, consideration, empathy are hard. It's not like they're taught in school. They're mostly learned by doing. And again there's that pile of baggage and stacks of issues to climb over.

Hope I don't come off as angry or resentful. Tone is hard when it's just a wall of text. People suck but love them anyway. Be neck deep in those issues but love anyway. It's worth it.

Perfectly said… says a guy who has stayed single for a couple of years because of bad relationships.
Being bi polar is hard work for me, let alone for anyone else. People, you can't live with them, you can't live without them.
bravo1102 at 3:33AM, Oct. 5, 2023
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
kawaiidaigakusei wrote:

There is so much information to be gathered by observing other living creatures in their natural state and coming to the conclusion that the search for a mate (courtship rituals) and mating (procreation) are both connected to the search for Dominance and Power.
It can be said that all human relationships are about dominance and power, not just our mating rituals.
Therapy and learning Reflexive psychology was valuable to my wife and I at the beginning of our marriage.

And for a quote let's go withThe Princess Bride, “Life is pain your highness. Anyone that says different is selling something.”
Furwerk studio at 10:31AM, Oct. 5, 2023
posts: 238
joined: 12-18-2019
It is hard for me to have in person relationships, mainly do to being a caretaker for my dad and helping out with mom right now, but I did get along with a few women I would met at the store and hopefully to engage in a meaningful relationship with somebody that isn't online.
Confession time, I had an online boyfriend for a long while, we use to chat for long times, sexting and such talking about meeting up until one day he just disconnected from the net. Kind of heart breaking but I figured it was for the best.
Andreas_Helixfinger at 1:40AM, Oct. 6, 2023
posts: 382
joined: 3-16-2019
Me I've been single since like 2011. It was my second and so far worst relationship. I keep telling myself year after year that I probably should try dating again. Just because your last relationship turned out bad doesn't mean the next one has to be, right? Problem is I've become so comfortable being alone and on my own. And it's not because I can't make friends.

A lot of people I encounter seems to really like me and trust me. But I just find people in general to be so socially and emotionally draining. They always have issues and stuff that they have to spell out to me, and I just stand there listen, never objecting or shutting down the conversation, because I just instinctively feel like its my role in life to listen to people when they have things to say. Same situation between me and my dad who's endless rants I always listen to visiting my folks out in the country:P I guess I'm just one of those introverts who is very, very easily exhausted by social situations of any kind.

I don't know. I found this little dating group on Facebook and I'm considering perhaps joining. If nothing else maybe I can find new friends. It feels like I should at the very least try. But as for the whole relationships being hard and never without conflicts thing. I do believe it is nothing but pure nature for it to be that way. All romantic partners have their fights. All romantic partners have disagreements.

Can't have the good without the bad. It should honestly be more alarming if a relationship betweeen two people never had any fights or open tensions. In that case you really should start wondering if that is either a charade of a relationship full of dirty secrets (Kind of like Molly Lusc's marriage in her comic), or a hostage situation:P
last edited on Oct. 6, 2023 1:51AM
takoyama at 8:00PM, Oct. 6, 2023
posts: 18
joined: 4-10-2011
I guess the best thing you can hope for is to be with someone that makes you happy a majority of the time.

human relationships suck because we are imperfect beings no one is going to be your soulmate just your mate.
InkyMoondrop at 2:07AM, Oct. 7, 2023
posts: 244
joined: 7-14-2022
I did find someone I like to think as my soulmate (we actually have things in common that are less likely than winning the lottery. Statistically speaking). I moved in together with her just a little over a week ago. Being in such a relationship is a whole new experience for me, especially since I'm introverted, depressed and was single for 12 years or so prior to this. We'll see where this road takes us, but before I got to know her, I felt similarly, that forming such relationships and getting to know people generally just doesn't worth the time and energy. As long as you get something out of creating and have any sort of perspective to look forward to, going solo is bearable, even enough sometimes. It's the times when you just can't stand being alone with your own thoughts and feelings that make it difficult.
lothar at 2:30AM, Oct. 7, 2023
posts: 1,743
joined: 1-3-2006
I'm just really fucking sucks but I've discovered death metal is quite a good thing.

last edited on Oct. 7, 2023 9:22PM
bravo1102 at 1:02AM, Oct. 8, 2023
posts: 6,123
joined: 1-21-2008
lothar wrote:
I'm just really fucking sucks but I've discovered death metal is quite a good thing.

For me it's only good for giving me a headache. I prefer the blues.
sleeping_gorilla at 4:05PM, Oct. 10, 2023
posts: 153
joined: 6-6-2021
Okay I am going to rant about my ex, because everyone in real life roles their eyes when I talk about it. We have been separated as long as we were together at this point and that was a good time to let it go. I do not hate her, she was very immature and has some other issues.

As I said in the earlier post, women are repulsed by me, and I had never had any girlfriends. She told me she was interested so I took her out.

Very soon I was living with her and paying her rent. I did not really want to be there, but she would harass me with phone calls until I came over. She was harassing two other guys online that she had been sleeping with.

We moved out of state to be closer to her mother, who she despised. When I followed her up a few months later she had a boyfriend living with her. He stuck around for a while until they broke up. Then she was heartbroken and expected me to comfort her.

Living with her was hell. She would not do anything for herself. She could not be bothered to get up to get a drink or make herself food. I had to help her bath, and there was always something she needed when she was in the bathroom. I would invite her to dinner all the time, but she would rather I go get food for her by myself. She was totally fine with me scavenging food in the kitchen for myself while she had the food I brought her. She would spend 20 hours a day on the computer, looking for the next fool.

I really had no issue with her seeking other relationships. She was not my property and could do whatever she wanted to. You found someone else. Great! When are you moving out?

InkyMoondrop at 6:15PM, Oct. 10, 2023
posts: 244
joined: 7-14-2022
Let me guess, she either had to fight for attention with her siblings or she didn't get enough because her parents thought that buying her a computer and throwing money at her makes up for the lack of attention and affection.
sleeping_gorilla at 9:41PM, Oct. 10, 2023
posts: 153
joined: 6-6-2021
InkyMoondrop wrote:
Let me guess, she either had to fight for attention with her siblings or she didn't get enough because her parents thought that buying her a computer and throwing money at her makes up for the lack of attention and affection.

Fight for attention along with her brother, who was even worse than she was. He once got himself fired because he was upset that a girl he had known for a week might not be able to get pregnant.

Not that their mom could ever be bothered to be a parent.
lothar at 6:57AM, Oct. 11, 2023
posts: 1,743
joined: 1-3-2006
Yo, Sleeping Gorilla, you are better off without that bitch.
Never be a simp again. Go your own way!

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