E3 07 Sketchbook 2

716 Kidz on July 24, 2007

I don't know if you guys have been keeping up with the E3 Coverage. but Microsofts press conference didn't really tell us anything. they just hit us with a Halo rock performance, with Peter Moore on the Guitar. eveidently he thinks he's a Rock Star. But i did find out there will be a new Special Edition Halo 3 X-Box 360 and That X-box Live will be revamped to better suite the community and you can download more content like movies and stuff. any i will have all this info on my 1up.com Blog that i just recently got.
come visit me: Raven716.1up.com

Also these should have been posted a while ago. but ive been busy makeing my own Website. you can find my art and updates here http://raven716.deviantart.com/