Title Screen

KoE on Oct. 12, 2009

I imagine it's abundantly clear that this is a ripoff of MSPaint Adventures. As such the drill should be fairly obvious; Situation is presented, audience makes ridiculous suggestions, shenanigans occurring.

This text will typically be related directly to the comic; other nonsense will be reserved for the first comment. The ‘suggestions box’ will be the comments themselves, though I imagine PMs (PQs, whatever) would also suffice. I'll likely take some mix of suggested actions or an aggregate of the most popular/sane/funny. Naturally this depends on the number of people who care.

As an aside, this is both a chance to ‘improve’ my spriting (which can scarcely be called much at the moment) and to prove to myself that I can keep relatively steady updates of a project. Hopefully it'll cohere into something rather than die an ignoble death almost as soon as it starts.