Infinity Burger!

houseofmuses on Feb. 16, 2012

It's no secret I like to keep an eye out for talent. I have my ulterior motives. Since I started A Deviant Mind (again) in
2010 I always look for great subjects for cameos: aliens of note to use
in the background. I even have Jim Dyar's Ghostrunner waiting in the wings for a future spot.
Jazzy here (mundanely known as John McDowell) was featured here at Drunk Duck a little while back, and since I've been dealing with a deli job while I wait for the job market in my field to start hiring again, I fell in love with his comic strip.
Infinity Burger never closes! Because of that there are unending opportunities for customer service pitfalls. Check out Delbort and Snog at Infinity Burger!