alschroeder on Sept. 14, 2014

Continuing down the list of six possible explanations for the “anthropic” coincidences in nature which allow intelligent life to evolve…largely inspired and derived from George F.R. Ellis' brilliant brief book, BEFORE THE BEGINNING. He is NOT responsible, though, for the liberties I've taken with his logic or how I've chosen to illustrate it.
I felt as long as we're discussing possible Creators, I might look at theories about our universe being created in a more—ah–conventional manner.
And why they're really irrelevant.
Oh, doubtless it is of TREMENDOUS import if we find we live in a simulation or are in a “created” universe tailor-made by extra-universal intelligent beings. But since they haven't manifested themselves for thousands of years in any form we can recognize, they're not making any direct demands on us.
And their origins are just as “iffy” in some respects as ours. Oh, SOME of the constants might be even more favorable than our own for intelligent life to arise, but things like the number of spatial and temporal dimensions would be true no matter what other constants are involved, and would have to be fine-tuned.
As far as our quest for “why things are so fine-tuned” they're, at best, an added, complicating step that's really just takes the same question back a step or two.
Here's a article about how we might be a computer simulation of another reality. However, the latest tests give at best conflicting results, and my money is on us not being any sort of simulation or sub-creation. But the question's still open…
But doesn't answer the fine-tuning of the constants question—somewhere.computer simulation of another reality. However, the latest tests give at best conflicting results, and my money is on us not being any sort of simulation or sub-creation. But the question's still open…
But doesn't answer the fine-tuning of the constants question—somewhere.