More Poisonous food

Squishy_Frog on Oct. 25, 2007

I think October will is my poisnonous food month. That's two foods that can kill you, and with only four comics a months, I officially call October poisnonous food month for Random Facts. Did you also know that tomato plant leaves are rumored to be poisnonous also. They were consisdered poisnonous for a long time. Many were afraid to eat them. Not anymore, personally, while I like ketchup and tomato sauce, I hate tomatos. Bleh

Hi, yeah, it's been a long time. Well truthfully, it's kind of hard to keep putting out random facts or things when I know not many people seem to be watching this. I would LOVE if you guys who keep checking up on this help me with different facts. Come up with stuff. It's boring when it's just me finding and posting. If you want a random fact, send it to me and I'll draw it!