Hornet's Nest - 1/6

ubernite on July 15, 2009

A new story and here's the deal… Mike Wood (Hate Your Friends) rounds up a bunch of Pittsburgh talent to assist in a project he wrote. The pitch was that each artist provides art for what amounts to be the 2 sides of an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper broken down into 6 pages when folded 3 times (see above). The rules were simple; page #1 had to have 1 panel, page #2 to have 2 panels, all the way up to page #6 with 6 panels. The crime noir Pulp Project titled Packet of Lies consists of 17 chapters with each chapter being 6 pages in length. I chose the first chapter, “Hornet's Nest,” because it spoke to me, had elements that appealed to my artistic merits, and was a perfect self-contained story that didn't necessarily need the following 16 chapters to get what's going on.

Words: Mike Wood
Pictures: Byron Winton
Circa: June 2009