Chapter 1, Page 13

ShinuYAMI on Dec. 14, 2009

Hey guys sorry for the late post. Its been kinda hectic lately so I basically wound up just taking a break. My brother, ShinuZero, and I are getting back on our Super Hero Time schedule every Tuesday and we plan to push harder than ever. Hopefully we will be able to keep pace and give you guys what you wanna see ;d. Be sure to check out Despotize of course for any update or announcements on the upcoming chapter: Battle Scars. Its sure to be rappppeee and tons of hot blooded manliness lol.

Stay Gold Ladies And Gents,


RedNoseDog: I'm glad you enjoy his design, comments like those make me feel warm lol. Glad to here from someone who got started on the style and also branched out to do more. Appreciate you reading please stick with me.

hypermac: Thanks hypermac! The style is one to be had but I also have my original style to mix with it. I've got treats for you all on the way soon.

Peipei: Hey there :D! Thanks for looking out as always! We still are going to have some easter eggs for you for hanging with us. Stay awesome and keep reading please!

ShinuZero: Hehe stanks broskeh! SHT continues lol!