Air Raid Robertson Strip 6

Air Raid Robertson on May 13, 2009

Strip number six people. Ridley and an assload of green and brown return to you in the next installment.

I had it pointed out to me that Air Raid Robertson doesn't really do a whole lot of punching or fighting or escaping or such in this strip. Things seem to work themselves out without our hero having to get his fists bloody.

Which, I suppose, is probably a little unorthodox for a self proclaimed “day-saving action hero”

I dunno, I just thought that it would be fun for the strip to have a jungle god who didn't actually like to eat human flesh. He was just too polite and shy to say anything to contradict the efforts of his thoughtful subjects.

Actually, now that I think about it, that blue fella up there seems significantly less demanding than our own God. No Sunday Mass, no repetition of the “Our Father”, and not even an irrational fear of gay people. Just give him some oranges and he's fine.