Flights of Fancy Part 1

Air Raid Robertson on Dec. 11, 2010

And here it is, page one hundred. When I look back at the first strip and trace the evolution to this point I am pretty proud of how much I've grown as a writer/artist. Hopefully the trek from 101-200 will have just as much advancement as 1-100.

This strip kicks off a crossover with The Unthinkable Hybrid, an ongoing comic written and drawn by the incomparable V.F. Wyler. I'm pretty sure that most of you guys are Hybrid fans already, but if you aren't familiar with the comic you should check it out.

However, you don't need to know anything about The Unthinkable Hybrid in order to understand this storyline. I've taken steps to ensure that all the relevant info will be incorporated into the story. Sure, I encourage you to read The Unthinkable Hybrid, but you don't have to do so in order to “get” what will be going on here.

I'd like to extend my thanks to Mr. Wyler for letting me borrow his characters for this. When I suggested this story to him I added that I was willing to give him first look at the scripts and to also give him veto power over dialogue or plot points. He expressed that he had absolute faith in my ability to write and draw his characters. I find this amazingly flattering, and I hope that I do his faith justice.

The plot catalyst for this tale is Miles Mage: The Interloper. Any bronze age comic fan worth their salt can tell that I swiped elements of his costume and transport from The Fourth World's Orion. I even tossed in some Kirby Krackle in case I wasn't being obvious enough.

Of course, to signify his universe-hopping abilities, I couldn't help but give him a Dr. Who scarf as well.