Flights of Fancy Part 5

Air Raid Robertson on Jan. 6, 2011

Before I get started I'd like to point out that “The Unbelievable Hybrid” has recently begun a new storyline. By all accounts it seems like a perfect jumping-on point for new readers. So, if you've been enjoying Hybie's appearance here and you haven't looked at his own title feel free to give it a shot.

It's good to have another page up. I've been distracted by the drawing board lately by some developments in my personal life. I really wanted to get back to doing comics though. I go a little crazy if I don't draw for an extended period of time. It's like an athlete who stops working out for two weeks. It just makes you feel miserable.

I'd like to take a moment to thank all of you for the swell reception that this new storyline is getting. The page views have been better than anything this comic has seen since it got featured. And, it's also getting a lot more comments than usual. (Which I consider a more honest barometer of a comic's popularity)

I think we're roughly at the halfway point here. The next page will see Air Raid Robertson and Ridley catch up to The Hybrid. It promises to be explosive.