[Filler] Wake up, Iretha!

alchemicallyyours on March 10, 2006

If no online comic is a comic without a filler page that has an apology in the artist's notes, my little comic has finally reached Online Comic status. Yuss! :D

Yeah, real life's being super exhausting ATM, so I'm not gunna have new updates for several days or so. And so, to tide over my religious readers (if I have any… o_o) I've made a filler! :O

I've changed the speech boxes a bit to hopefully make them a little easier to read while still keeping the feeling of in-gameness. And you folks also get to see a whole bunch of major characters that haven't been introduced yet - ta-da! I wonder which one looks the most intriguing. xD

I'll post #5 ASAP, I promise. ._.

Oh yeah, and Sinthe is oddly absent on purpose. He typically is whenever we take a castle for some bizarre reason. o_O