Marco's Crush Pt. 4

antcomics on Dec. 27, 2007

Ahhh! The saga continues.

Finally got the new scanner. I'm still trying to figure it out…it's a heckuva lot different from the old scanner. So, I hope the page doesn't look too weird.

This was more of a ‘bridge page’…that's what I call pages in a story arc that don't neccesarily have a real hilarious punchline, but are important in helping move the story along. I actually had a little writer's block at this point. Funny how you think you have a story all worked out and you still hit bumps in the road.

Anyway. Here is Part 4. It's good as a cliffhanger (yet again! hahaa!) anyhow. I like Adam's maniacal look in the last panel.

Hope everyone's holidays are still going swell. Me and my boyfriend have decided to spend New Years Eve just chilling and eating munchies and slamming a few brews… :o) It sounds good to me!