Wigwam, Kip and the Ants

antcomics on Oct. 10, 2007

The Unitary Authority of Ersatz…how can I desccribe this comic? “Off the wall” is an understatement. I mean that in a good way, of course! I love this strip–it's simple, it's about two blobs and their adventures. It's unique, it's chock full of dysentery jokes, and some of the earlier pages address that all-important topic: 80s pop culture. Gotta love them 80s…

Anyhow, Ersatz has always been one of the biggest Antfans around, and I drew him some fanart as appreciation. Well today, he surprised (and delighted) me with some fan art for me! And ain't it the bomb-diggetty?

Please read Ersatz's fANTastic comic:


I just really, really heart this fine piece of fan art.