Unto the Breach!

acadia on June 29, 2007

Things to talk about:
1. Two-Parter
2. Update Schedule
3. Site Re-vamp

Okay guys. This is a two-parter so bear with us. Don't be intimidated by the AWESOMENESS exhumed from the page. Each character in this one (excluding shaun in the wig) was an important figure in the Age of Reason. Shaun has assembled them together to fight the chaos exhumed by my stack of CHAOS BOXES (woo!). You should all know who Franklin and Jefferson are, but not everyone knows who Robert Hooke and Voltaire are. Hooke revolutionized study using microscopes and was a famous scientist during his time alive. Voltaire was a famous French satirist.

Shaun and I have decided on an update schedule (FINALLY!). It will be Mondays and Fridays. Consider this a one-day-late comic. Talk about starting off on the right foot, eh? But yeah, this comic will OFFICIALLY be updating on Mondays and Fridays. You MAY get a bonus comic on Wednesdays (A strip written by me? A one-shot? Sketches? I dunno, but I'll be putting something up on Wednesdays.)

ALSO, there will be a site re-vamp in the near future. I'm redesigning the site to coincide with the new direction of the comic. Don't be alarmed when you visit your favorite webcomic (Us.) and it suddenly looks different! It's okay. It's a natural change. It's expected to happen sometime in the middle next week (Wednesday? Thursday?) so check back to see the new site!

Sorry for those of you expecting a rant from Shaun. He's had a pretty crappy week and wasn't up to writing one for tonight, so I took over. I know I don't have as comprehensive a command over the English language as he does, but I try my best to convey my point.

See you Monday!


Also, for those of you who haven't seen it yet: Our old archives (heh, old? They're from like… 6 months ago – hardly old, but still) are up. Old Apl
Check it out!

… Again!