The Void of Creation 4

acadia on Feb. 4, 2009

Check out the Homepage for the next page!

I came home at midnight, and realized I had to finish this page. So I put on some workin' music (Andrew Bird, Jack Johnson, Beach Boys, Incubus, Adam Freeland, and BB. King). Took me about 4 hours to Ink/Color this one. As a result of not moving from this position for those 4 hours, my butt is now asleep.

I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY. We got this to you on time. Enjoy it. Cherish it. It doesn't happen often. =P

Anyway, this is the last page of the current arc. I hope you enjoyed it. It only goes uphill from here, as Shaun has some pretty epic stuff written and we have some awesome stuff in store.

Look for it.
