Crossoverlord Vs SuperDan

theRedDeath on Sept. 24, 2009

This page is something I cooked up when I was (secretly) planning on doing a Crossoverlord/SuperDan fancomic. It was originally going to be just for my own amusement, and the good people over at don't know anything about it. My plan was to go ahead and do it just for fun, and then show them the finished product. If they liked it and wanted to put it up, then all the merrier, if they didn't, no loss ‘cause I did it just for fun anyway.

So I did this cover page, and then I did the layouts for the 20+ page comic I was gonna do, and I was all set to go. BUT Crossoverlord did their ominous “graveyard” page, and that kind of threw a slight monkey wrench in the story I planned out. Now i’m a huge continuity buff, and I didn't want to do anything (even something just for me) if it didn't work in-continuity. So I just scrapped the idea.

But since I did do this cover page, and today Crossoverlord is plugging me by putting up the fanart I did a while back, I thought now would be as good a time as any to plug them back and show this off. I'm far less polite than the Crossoverlord folks, so I didn't clear this with them first. To them it's a surprise, and I hope they like it.