139. Watching

kittens2cats on Dec. 5, 2010

This is a comic I made and posted exclusively for my livejournal blog a year and a half ago. (Before I deleted the post. Along with all my other posts. As I do quite often.) I have no idea why I never posted it on here. Mostly cause I didn't consider it an actual comic when I made it. I thought of it more as just a picture I drew with a funny poem or story I made up to go along with it. But now that I look at it, IT'S TOTALLY A COMIC WHY DIDN'T I POST IT ON HERE?!?!?!?!? JOSIE YOU SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.

(Also, it is supposed to be a drawing of me standing in front of my window staring up at the moon. There is a tree outside my window but I left that out of the picture cause it's too hard to draw and I am lazy. Also, that is a heater vent on the floor. THIS PICTURE IS 90% ACCURATE.)