Issue 5 cover

bravo1102 on Sept. 10, 2012

This happens to be page 100. Nothing special just the cover to the fifth “issue” wherein the Diamorians show up. The kimonos were all made by a friend whose wife did 1/6th scale clothes. I bought the whole stock. They're very nice. The orange haired figure was Aleeka from Go a Viking.

Isssue was spelled with a slight lissspth.

It is a sign of social status in Diamorian culture to have what we Earthers term “Asiatic” eyes. So anyone not born with them usually has them added surgically. Of course it is illegal to use genetic manipulation to put them into a developing fetus. Most cultures outside of earth have an aversion to any genetic manipulation outside of disease and birth defects. Diamorians have a great distaste for the different subspecies of humans and especially the giant canine teeth of the carnivorous humans. Diamorians love animals and are complete vegans. They just are ruthless and nasty towards other intelligent species though. Meat is only consumed symbolically at the end of a ritual hunt.