Moose Country

piercedfox on Aug. 2, 2010

I'm back!!!!!

Well, I had a really good time in Idaho. I was staying with my grandma and her friend, Bob, in a cabin right on the shore of Priest Lake.
I guess Bob's loaded, or something. He owns a house in Idaho, a house in Las Vegas, and a house in Laughlin.
I only have one house… here, in California. :T

Anyway, I guess northern Idaho is supposed to be moose country… and bear country. Every gift shop has something with a moose or bear on it. But, I didn't see a moose up there… or a bear. So I don't know why I'd buy something with a creature on it that I hadn't even seen….. I bought something anyway, though. :D

Anywho… enjoy this image… of a moose… and me… in adventure clothes.