The teasing Teaser.

NephilimsCrest on Nov. 17, 2010

Right, first off the bat - the reason for the delay to Dec. 1st, is simply the fact that the story starts in her world on that particular date - and so to add a bit more… fun to it - i plan to follow her adventures to the dates.

secondly, how will this story be told? I'm gonna do it in a diary style - not actual comic pages, but her stories companied by sketches of the various events.

thirdly, Why am i starting this now, when the story won't start for another two weeks? It's simply to commit myself, i've written alot of the story already, but i need to keep at it - which this site will remind me of.

fourthly, this story is… one of many i plan to tell in the Nephilim's Crest universe - and hopefully you'll all grow to love the world of Eden.

fifthly, egads i need a cup of coffee.