Space Slave Commentary page 5

bravo1102 on May 24, 2018

Plug for the other comics in the vein of Banes' newspost on continuity. Funny how that coincides like that. Belinda Brandon's movies, Tales of SIG all depict one universe and even one timeline. However, many of the things that in Belinda Brandon movies actually happened.

Imagine it like this: Bravo has an idea and pounds out a treatment. One of the advisers looks at it and adjusts things ( usually very minor) but also sets up some design elements so that it matches their reality. So the aliens are Falasnorians or Grey Guys (easiest for the effects department to do so far) the same various powers are mentioned (usually the Aordians. No one likes to talk about Glesedean or Diamorians if they can avoid it)

I worked up a timeline of Belle's career and life events with the order the other stuff is happening (Like Tales of SIG which is not a Belinda Brandon movie but real stuff out in the real universe. The Robofemoid movies reflect real events so the movie and real-life events mirror each other)

But it's all one continuity!

And Sword of Kings happened in the distant past and it's intentional that some SIG characters resemble their distant ancestors.