Beyond Fiction - Anime Update 2

soulman2150 on Dec. 15, 2009

Hello again guys. Today I have some bad news. My 1,5 month of work just went out the window. No no I didn't loose my work but I kinda ran into a brick wall.

It seems I made this project too hard. It wouldn't be any trouble if I wasn't time limited. I just want to make this project and enter Animateka festival next yeah, but I won't make it if I'll have to learn the animation techniques in 3D Studio Max like cloth and hair.

So I decided to go with a Flash animation. Its gonna be faster and easier but not as good. I'll try to make the animation as smooth as posible. If anything I'll be extra carefull with the fight sceenes.

Now someone asked me in the previous update how I'm going to do the voices. I'm not quite sure yet. First I have to translate the manga to slovenian and then transform it to a storyboard so I have something for auditions, although I'm not happy about the slovenian language.

It makes the manga sound so cheesy but what can I do. Maybe anyone has some ideas to keep the manga english?

So anyway here you can see the style change in the update picture. I hope its not a total dissapointment.