My name is Chopper

BffSatan on Nov. 20, 2009

To make up for number four, ran over a guy with his car, he just reversed his car over the same guy.

So, um, I haven't updated for a while have I? Let's just call that an unplanned two week hiatus that is over now. Too much school stuff and shit to do.
I have been working on a comic a little all this time, it is actually the biggest BffSatan comic yet with 38 panels, I'll try and get it up on Wednesday.
Also, just wait a sec for e-dylus to start updating again. We are sorting some stuff out.

Unnamed: It's okay, now you do know and you can stop.
Machinehead: Stalin was probably worse.
TheFlyingGreenMonkey: Hitler wouldn't gone all the way through with it anyway.
Insizwa: Hitler was a bit of a dick wasn't he?
Gillespie: They were, but Hitler was too into his burger to notice.
Tedmund: Best? Gosh, thanks. :D Hopefully there is still better to come.
Brogan: Cheers.
Gullas: It's probably hard not to when he is yelling in your ear like that.

Also, BffSatan has nearly 666 comments. The 666th commenter will get something special.

WHOAH! SLOW UP! I remember what I had forgotten to mention.
Satan and Alex have made a guest appearance in Martin and Mitchell
Check it out, and then read the rest of the archives because it's a good comic.