Love Calls Your Name (page 1)

NekkoXIII on Aug. 7, 2006

Well i didnt update last week. the reason, i was working on getting Either Way back up and running and now that i have i can try to get back to and keep up my updating schedual. Anyway this is the start of a mainly Twitch related story. I figured it was about time he got his on story arc in this for once.
Also a little note: the song Steph is singing is “Rapture” by Anita Baker. Steph stikes me as the kind of singer that would be into old school soul.


Subcultured: I'll have to pass that along to Steph. I'm sure she will be happy to hear that.

lefarce: Dunno how you missed it (probably my sporatic updates) but i'm glad you are here now to enjoy the madness.

Neilak20: That could be the reason though i wouldnt count on that…

Oestaira: dunno bout the mmmm to the brains heh.

alejkhan: Glad you liked it!

LimboWoman: Ever wonder how the cadaver felt about all this?

Kadiro_Kapira: Whimp.