so whats the fallout?

Anubis on Sept. 9, 2014

No comic today, due to the fact its not finished, Have had a lot to do for the past few days, but it will be finished Friday
So instead, have a bit of artwork I have done for another one of my projects. Fallout Equestria: Hivemind My little pony mixed with post apocalyptic world. Werd combo? yep, but its one that works well, and I am dabbling in that world too.
If you want to read what I have so far… FALLOUT EQUESTRIA HIVEMIND And keep an eye out for more. The story has only just started (and one chapter is due to go up any day now… just waiting for the editors to do their thing)
(if you are wondering why Bloodbound is still done in 3D yet I do this by hand… it took me 4 weeks to get this one picture done… I am not going to do that for every page of blood bound, though my drawing is slowly getting better)