10 years

Anubis on June 13, 2016

Its been 10 years since Bloodbound started! can you believe it! I cant. If you are wondering where Anubis is.. he is sulking because there wasn't enough room in the selfie.

Wow. 10 years. I started this as basically a sex and violence small bit of naughtiness with a nameless vampire who fucks and kills people. Fetishy

It didn't turn out that way. While there has been killings and kinky fetishy stuff, it became more a part rather than the point of the comic. Stories happened. some good some totally bad. I have made some good friends making this, though it has never been a financial success (this thing costs me a lot of money to make, maintain etc) but in the end its been fun. Its kept me sane during some of my darker times, and has driven me crazy with its own demands on my time and faculties.

10 years.. Its just nuts.

I should get myself something for surviving 10 years of Jinni and Sassy….

If you want to help me buy something suitable for surviving 10 years of Jinni and Sassy.. please donate on https://www.paypal.me/justinKennard