5 - Fine and Dandy

Allan on April 7, 2011

So now we've met two characters! Emily and Sarah. Who is this mysterious black-haired woman?? TUNE IN TOMORROW TO FIND OUT!

But seriously, I've been tweaking the HTML a little bit. We've got navigation buttons out the wazzoo (top AND bottom of the strip) as well as a few other meta pages in the works.

Additionally, I mentioned yesterday that I draw this strip in Adobe Flash. So far it's working terrifically, but just today I discovered Manga Studio EX which has some suPERB drawing technology. I may not switch over to it for a while, but at least I know it's there for whenever I decide to mix things up a little.

Thanks for the comments and ratings so far, guys. It's good to know that you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I'm enjoying making it!