Plans for the summer

bruisedoranges on June 11, 2008

Aloha, Drunk Duckers! :)

First off, I apologize for this update not being a new page – but I wanted to announce some of my plans for the future, during what hopefully should be a brief intermission between chapters as I get things straightened out and tie up some loose ends I've been wanting to tie before getting started on the next thing.

Namely: Revamping the first eight pages of the comic, so that they're consistent in style with the rest of the chapter. This is already underway, and since I want to put Bruised Oranges to print one day I figured now would be the best time to work on that. I will be working on chapter two alongside these pages, so I'm not just going to be sitting on one thing.

Because of this, Bruised Oranges chapter two is scheduled to be released in mid to late July, but hopefully I can get it out even sooner depending on how fast I can get the revamps done, IRL obligations willing. I'll upload them all at once here alongside the opening page to chapter two, so there's something to look forward to. :) I want to try to get the revamp done before the comic's first birthday in August!

And as a final note, I would like to remind you about the existence of, which is going to eventually have some neato content added to it soon! But for now, it's more or less a mirror until layout junk gets smoothed out. But in the future there will be wallpapers, a fanart gallery, and more.

I hope you all have a good summer, and thank you so much for reading!