Goes Down Smooth, But Tastes Like Crap

dr_dolittle on March 12, 2007

This idea stemmed from the ever evil “Jones Holiday Soda” packs. This year's flavours included: Dinner Roll, Pea, Sweet Potato, Turkey n Gravy, and Antacid. What kind of human being would TRY those? NO KIND. That's why my friend and I stepped up to the plate. It was absolutely one of the least pleasant experiences of my entire life.

I can't say I could drink any of these. I don't even know what “CAT” would taste like. And before any of you animal-people get all up in my grill about animal-flavoured soda, look at my username: DR. DOLITTLE. Doesn't that imply that I love animals as well? And just to make you shut up further, I have 4 cats. All of which are happy and not in carbonated form.