[001] Only one page in, and Bass uses no-no words

GospelBoost on April 29, 2010

Yeah. Forte does that. can't remember if the original comic cursed, But let's be realistic here. (In this futuristic world full of robots.) If your brother moved in, and blew up all your stuff, you'd be pissed too. ‘s is sorta a throwback to the first CNB, when bass was blogging. But nowadays, People use twitter instead of live journal. So read that bottom up.

DISCLAIMER: IT won’t be the same as the original. If things go as planned, ‘tmght be longer. Tmight have more characters, might not. I don’t know. Let's see where this goes together, single reader dude. XD
(PS: Plz tell your interwebs buddys.)
(PPS: I HATE twitter. But bass has nothing better to do.)