Now Leaving Kellwood

Amy_Of_Darkness on May 26, 2017

John doesn't need to explain who Ixia or Ixzerit is to Blaine because the boy already knows, but what about you? Well, we'll just have to read further and find out! He's already described Ixzerit as an evil tree to his merc friends (who would not exactly be well versed on these things for reasons) but I'll tell you that this is not necessarily a fact– he just took the form of a tree.
The benevolent party in this scenario is Ixia of course, that blue-tinted aura we saw around Victor, and the glowing in John's eyes, and the color of portals…

As for sustaining the power, he doesn't mean he or Vic is going to drop dead if the Ixian essence gets stretched too thin between them, but that John is turning into a vacuum here and Vic's inherited Ixzerit essence is kicking it out of Vic thanks to John borrowing too much in the first place. This just doesn't happen to others with the power– it shouldn't be hurting Victor that he had to skim a little off the top. In fact Vic is a little young to even be manifesting the powers in the first place…John is fully awakened and can punch portals in space and one-punch monsters, if Vic manifests his powers… and suddenly doesn't have Ixia keeping him in check when Ixzerit whispers in his ear– it could prove to be a disaster. And John is simply getting to old for this!