Give 'em a broadside.

dpat57 on Jan. 3, 2018

Colonel Brass and Lieutenant Titanium; Professor Anton Zürdich; Captain Copper and Doctor Appleby. And a few Robotrons.

On last week's exciting episode of Captain Gold and the Robotrons: An O.R.E. patrol has discovered a Robotron base concealed inside an automated coastal lighthouse. A rapid response force has deployed, hoping to capture Professor Anton Zürdich and enemy assets. But the Robotrons have opened fire on Captain Gold's Rumblers and armed speedboats have emerged from sea caves and brought down a Valkyrie fighter jet….

Other comics on The Duck:
Crowbar: A Sci-Fi AdventureSpace Pirates of the Black Quarter!Starship Captain IIMARS IISecret Agent: British Intelligence IISword Princess Yukisaki IIForest ReckoningYou Call That A Stick Figure Comic?

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