Knocked Up

Aaronthewolf on May 23, 2012

Hey, there we are. Looks like the site is actually working again! Hooray. I was having trouble with 502 errors. Thats gonna put off my rotation to Fridays now. Fantastic. Anyway, enough of that. Cameron returns to the dorm with refreshments and is surprised by some minor changes made to the dorm by Max.
I love the old Character shaped hole in the wall gag. Defying logic is so much fun, but in the Cartoon Universe thats a standard example of natural physics at work I suppose. I'd write more but I'm not feeling so hot, not exactly news I know. Seems like I'm sick too often for someone my age. Lyme's and possible IBD will do that too you I suppose. Still, makes me winge. Anyway, see you all next FRIDAY. Thanks for reading…all…four of you guys/girls.