Aaronthewolf on Aug. 16, 2012

Those of you following the CU facebook page know whats been going on. But aside from trying to land freelance work I've also been helping my nephew launch a new flash series in addition to working on my Cartoon U short. This is that flash series, Fanfriction. The title of the previous comic was actually a nod to it. So while I work on the CU short, feel free to enjoy this semi-animated short. Don't worry, the CU short will be fully animated. It may take a little while, but I don't want it going out unless it's the absolute best it can be. Here's the link to FF.
While your at it, if you haven't already, like us on facebook so you can follow me as I work on the the CU short.
and if you like Fanfriction, like us on FB too.