She Sells T-Shirts!

Amelius on March 5, 2006

Ayep, my own little “stab” at the merchandising industry ^_^ NOT that I am objected to selling any CTV merch, oh no, but for me it's comic first, goodies later. I don't want this turning into “scary Miss Mary”
Whose comic I've never seen mind you, but it apparently came with “stickers omg!” and has more merchandise than issues (I think there is ONE comic.)
Also, I was inspired to do this after a trip to the comic store, and after seening dozens of doe-eyed girls weilding sharp objects and staring vapidly, or some other such “cute” character saying something about “hug me and I won't kill you!^_^”, I decided to concoct this little monster, Mindy.
Seriously, walk into the Hot Topic and you'll see a dime a dozen of these little girls with axes, chainsaws, knives, whatever…
Lenore, look what you started! (much pity from me for that, even if Dirge took my “floatybear” name T_T)
For the record, I'm not afriad to go into that store. It has stuff I like, and for goodness sakes it's just a store, not an affront to mankind…