
Amelius on July 17, 2012

Nothing quite like having the most traumatic moment of your life flash before your eyes while impending death comes to meet you at high speed!
Guess he found a non-decorative purpose for that thing, good thing that the belt loops didn't give up. He's a good man, I'll give him the double-stitch anyway!
Hopefully, NEXT page won't be so danged late, because it doesn't involve drawing rocks (but I'm sure I'll find something else to obsess endlessly over, anyway). I'm seriously gonna try and speed the schedule up again, really sorry it's been so out of order lately.
And the answer to last week's question: The bridge over Death Gorge got taken out with the landslide that destroyed the path to the Onekamari village. Now there is only one approach to the village from the other side of the gorge, and that is through the Demon Market!
Bonus factoid: I based this gorge area a bit on Tinker's Creek gorge, which Nick and I have nicknamed “Death Gorge” because the path toward it has extreme drops of 200 feet on the side (I'm honestly surprized there's no fence along the trail) and the shale by the “Arch”, a sandstone structure that leads the creek beneath a railroad track, has eroded into a steep trench on one side that the water course through. I don't think anyone foolish enough to go playing in the water (there's “no swimming” signs but folks are always swimming there anyway) that falls in that thing would likely be getting out, what with how fast the current is and how deep the hole looks. I tried to get a picture of it up close recently but wasn't feeling brave with how fast the current was and how slippery the rocks were! (I didn't want to fall on my butt and ruin the camera!)
Also, do you guys like little mini-quiz stuff? Because I was thinking of making that a thing. I fear as of late my notes have been too short and impersonal, and I want to reconnect with my audience. I know a part of it is my hulking pile of work, but I would at least like to do something to involve some more communication. I was thinking that having small quizzes with rewards like minor requests for the person with the right answer would be a neato thing, Eh?