Part 3

purenightshade on Feb. 24, 2010

Listening to: Crownless – Nightwish
Reading: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Watching: Angel season 5

Wow. After a year and a half we’ve made it to book 3. The down side is that this means you get two pieces of cover art in a row: the cover for the book followed by the cover for chapter 08.

I do have some good news for my readers, though. This is the last of the weekly updates. Starting on Tuesday we’ll be back to our twice weekly updates. I went through my pages a couple nights ago and discovered that I can do it now. I have enough pages in my buffer to last for a while. Certainly long enough to draw more pages and get those coloured. So yay! I’m really thrilled about that.

About today’s page. Sahiren is standing on the edge of the tree line watching Kishandren. hat flower in his hand is the same kind he’d been putting in her hair earlier.

What I like: I really like his hair.

What I don’t like: The grass is kind of crappy.