109 - *hug*

korosu on Feb. 28, 2008

…Yeah, I don't like this page. I dunno why, but this page was just so…awkward to draw. I don't really know why. And here's something that I've been trying to figure out: after all this time, I've never been able to keep Chimera on a regular schedule, and yet I've already gotten 17 pages of my new comic, Faust, posted in just two months, no prob! WUT. I don't understand how that works…

Basically, for the past month-ish, Chimera has been like the big brother who feels neglected and unloved after the new baby brother, Faust, demands so much attention. That's probably the best way to describe what's been going on, and I apologize. I'll try to do better with my time so I'll give each child equal love. (So to speak…)

In other news, Spring Break is coming up soon (thank God), and I'm planning on using that time to work on making a better layout for the comic site, like I do for Faust. (Like, make a prettiful nav bar and logo. That'd be just swell.)