Episode 3 Page 10

Jaymzeecat on Nov. 21, 2017

That’s it for part one of Episode 3! Now my little inexperienced skunk is left to ponder what the mysterious bunny meant by “hang out”.

I really hope you all enjoyed part one! I'm currently working on part 2 which is going up a page a week for my $5+ Patreon patrons. I estimate it'll be somewhere between 10-12 pages. Since Episode 3 is considerably longer than Episodes 1 & 2, I've chosen to break it up into 3 parts so you won't have to wait too long for the pages to go up publicly! Thanks so much for hanging in there, I really appreciate it. And thank you so much for all the comments, favorites, likes, subscribing etc. that really means the world to me! Chunky Skunk will be back before you know it! And there will be lots more Ben Hopper in the rest of the episode. ^_^

If you like my art and comics, please support me on Patreon! Your support is what keeps these comics going. $1+ patrons get early Devil Spy pages, $5+ patrons also get weekly Chunky Skunk pages plus my monthly sketch dump! Thank you so much! https://www.patreon.com/Jaymz