Preview: "And the Moon shone Red..."

Scarlet_Okami on Aug. 20, 2008

Well then, I decided to think of something fancy for once in a while, I'm making a short graphic novel then, around 10 to 20 pages, called “And the Moon shone Red…”

Uah, I've been kinda stressed recently, mostly due army's call (in Finland, every 18-year old male is called to serve the nation, aka. be in army for half year or so, but you can refuse this call and go to Civilian service, which I chose, or jail.) and it's finally letting me loose. I've had the worst headache in ages today and felt really grumpy all the time.. But eh, I hope it'll be over by tomorrow morning.

Sorry for not updating, but yeh, real life can give hard times which require time to solve.