Ho Shit...

Korona Korm on Sept. 8, 2009

I cannot add and placed whatever todays' update was going to be to auto on the 16th… Buffers are good in theory, so long as you can work it… Blame your local Korona Korm…
Okay, so because of this I'm not going to change it, because it means deleting and re-uploading my buffer… So instead I'm going to give you the Explosion from the Pilot. (Thus giving me a two week buffer at the moment, with another about 10hours from completion…)
This explosion is one of my favourite panels, not because it was technically difficult, or time consuming, or anything like that, but simply because it worked… Believe it or not, it's a cauliflower XD Couple of filters, some clone stamping to fill over where some of the greenery was, blurring, and colour editing, voilà; explosion!

Anyway, I'm coughing my guts out, and have a Stats examination tomorrow morning, so I'm going to go talk to some people, eat dinner, then do some study.

Oh, PS. Because this is a short update, I'll give you guys something else on Friday. Tune in then.
Then back to the pre-uploaded rubbish, gotta love it…

EDIT: If I knew my Photoshops better, this would look even better, but seems to me that it's a better panel in the smaller size… Enjoy anyway!