Racer Girl - Intergalactic Space-Racer & Part-Time Crime-Fighter

darth_paul on Feb. 21, 2014

I recently dug-up this character after getting a call for outer-space racing types in a group on the deviant-art website. She was created by me in 2002, but I really had no use for her until now thanks to that group. Her distincitive ears and eyes are hidden by her helmet in this profile image, but I do show them in other images of her along with her vehicle on other sites such as DA around the web. Also, if you don't care to search around other places, my pirate-girl, “Sunni Shores,” is also a native Revan just like this gal, yet her ears are hidden by her hair, but you can at least see an example of the solid colored eyes of their race by looking at her profile which is also here.